6.1 A Lost Memory

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"Where is he? I don't see him?" Tamasa, dressed in a soft white gown with puffy sleeves and jeweled flats, stands in the corner of the extravagant ballroom, stalking the crowd with her binoculars. Bhuv was occupied with keeping tabs on his son, who was eagerly searching for his next girlfriend in the crowd.

Aria stood beside her aunt silently, looking for her target and for her partner. She saw neither, and went over the man's profile in her head again while nodding absently to whatever it was her aunt was blabbering about.

Duke Gall was a young, handsome man who was a few years younger than she was. He was bordering his twenty-fifth birthday and had a head full of blonde streaks. He was lean and lithe like a panther, with a sleek sense of style and characterized mainly by his odd purple eyes. Nobody knew if they were real or fake, but nobody was brave enough to ask. Duke Gall was known for his fierce temper just as much as he was known for his...well, not known for his personality. Very little was known about Duke Gall. His file was nearly empty, so Aria was forced to go off what she had.

If only Sterling were here, she thought to herself, watching the crowd mingle playfully. She moved slightly in her over-exaggerated dress, uncomfortable with the folds of her sari scuffing her bare legs.

"Stop doing that, Aria," her aunt scolded. "You'll ruin the silk."

"It's ruining my dignity, Auntie."

"Nonsense!" The regal woman snapped. "Now, tell me where that boy of yours is. What status does he have?"

"Duke, Auntie," Aria replied. "He's a Duke."

"Of where?"

"Far from here."

"What country?"

"Gindenburg," Aria said in irritation. "Why all the questions?"

"She's interrogating your boyfriend," Noah sang, returning to his cousin and mother. "Hey, do you see that cute girl over there? Do you think she's single?"

"Miss. Barney?" Aria studied the curvy young woman with bright orange hair that was dressed in a simple white gown. "Yes. She was previously engaged to Count Watson but broke off their marriage. She's around your age too, so it's fine."

Noah's eyebrow arched. "How do you know so much about her?" He asked suspiciously.

Aria shrugged. "If you pay attention to your surroundings, you'd learn a lot about society."

"Precisely," Tamasa interjected proudly. "Noah, she's lovely, but beneath our class, don't you think?"

"Mom, she's one level below us," Noah grumbled. "It's fine."

"Not according to the doctrine,"Tamasa frowned. "But alright. Enjoy your last moments of freedom, my dear."


Aria watched them bicker silently. It was only for a moment, but she could sense the deep affection their words held for each other, even if to an onlooker it would seem that they were not on good terms. She knew that her aunt cared deeply about her son, but Noah was not as cultured as Aria had been raised. He was wild and carefree and loved following the direction of the wind. It sometimes bothered her aunt, but after a while, she came to realize that there was no controlling Noah.

A roar of laughter brought Aria's attention toward the band, which was playing the gentle, romantic, orchestral version of Indila's Love Story. A group of men and women surrounded one certain, blonde man as he raised his glass in the air and seemed to mockingly salute the Lord above them.

Found you. She smirked. Duke Gall was the center of attention, just as she expected. He changed a little from his profile picture. The rounded cheeks were chiseled and firm and coated in a thin yellow stubble. His weight had gained in the form of muscle and he arrogantly flexed them in front of the ogling ladies.

"How unladylike," Aria heard her aunt sniff. "Look at them, no manners! That is not how you express your interest in a young man."

"He's no gentleman," her uncle added. "That smug, posh boy will get what's coming for him soon. It's men like him that fail in the world."

"A bitter but true statement," a smooth voice murmured beside Aria. She turned, getting an eyeful of Sterling in a new black suit and polished gray shoes. He wore his signature smirk, but it was softer and less prideful. His bright white hair was tied in a ponytail that brushed the nape of his neck and his beard was clear. Sterling had truly shaped up for this event.

"You're late," Aria said through a forced smile.

"I got caught up." Sterling unapologetically shrugged. "Do you know how hard it is to get rid of spies following you?"

"Spies?" Aria glared at him. "You were followed by spies and you didn't call me?!"

"Chill, babe." Sterling winked. "I got rid of them. They conveniently decided to overdose on cocaine and take a dip in the river."

"You are evil." Aria couldn't help but grin. "And brutal. Madame will have your head tomorrow."

"Eh, she'll live with it." Sterling took a cocktail from her hand. "Did you see the pretty boy flexing over there? That pathetic kid looks like a noodle compared to me!"

While it was true, Aria wasn't about to inflate Sterling's ego anymore than it already was. "He's okay," She said. "You have to admit, he's handsome though."

"Pfft." Sterling snorted. "More handsome than me?"


"Hey!" His bad boy façade slipped and Sterling gave Aria his best puppy pout, which Aria would never admit to finding convincing. It was hard when his glacial orbs would melt and enlarge in his already big eyes. "You don't mean it, do you, partner?"

Aria hesitated, her cheeks flushing. "Stop it!" She hissed furiously. "My aunt and uncle are right here! Don't make a fool of yourself!"

"A fool of myself?" Sterling's eyebrow arched competitively. He lazily dropped his arm around Aria's shoulders and dragged her into his side. "Then I guess I'm your fool, huh?"

"Quit it." She rolled her eyes and shrugged his arm off. "Auntie?" Garnering the attention of Tamasa, Aria slipped her hand into Sterling's arm and put on her best smile. "This is Sterling."

"Sterling?" Tamasa's placid eyes studied the man standing beside her niece. The stunning, handsomely dressed man met her scrutinizing gaze with a lopsided grin. "Duke Sterling, I assume?"



So...does Tamasa like Sterling? Are they faking a relationship or a friendship? What will Bhuv think of him? How will Aria and Sterling take down Duke Gall?


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