The Joy Of Creation

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A/N: Minor/Medium descriptions of gore later on in the chapter.

Claire and Owen were leaning on opposite sides of the cell they had been thrown in. Through the brick walls, they could hear the roars and cries of other dinosaurs that had been locked in here. The two sat in silence while they listened to the clanging noise of Max banging on the steel bars that kept inside.

"Kid, that door isn't opening anytime soon," Owen said, finally giving in.

"Just hang on. I can do this. I did it before," Max said without looking back, charging into the bars once again.

"What? Bend metal bars?" Owen asked sarcastically.

Max was silent as his eyes widened slightly. How was he supposed to explain that he actually did bend thin metal earlier? Reluctantly, he stepped away from the bars and sat down on the far side of the cell. "We can't just sit around forever," Max sighed. "We have to get out of here and stop whatever is going on".

No one said anything, and Max fell into silence as he stared at the floor. Frustration was building up within him and he was on the verge of overflowing. He had made the choice to do whatever it took to survive this, but so far, he hadn't done anything except get captured again. How many times was he going to be thrown into different cages?

They heard footsteps outside the cage and immediately stood up. Eli Mills and Wheatley stepped into view on the other side of the bars and peered in. Owen and Claire stood close by each other while Max stood directly behind them, hidden from view.

"Claire, this isn't how I wanted things to go, but if you could just...," Mills was interrupted by Claire menacingly stepping forward and reaching through the bars. Mills stepped back just in time. 

"You betrayed a dying man for money," Claire said to him with malice.

"I...did what was necessary for his legacy," Mills replied, straightening his suit. "But what I've done, is nothing compared to the rest of you".

Claire stepped back as her face twisted into a scowl. "Oh, yeah, because we've definitely done things that are...".

"You authorised the creation of the Indominus-rex!" Mills exclaimed. "How many people died because of that single animal?" Mills then turned to Owen. "And you, the man who proved animals can follow orders. The two of you, are the parents of the new world". Finally, Mills looked past the two of them, directly at Max. "And lastly, Max. You are the child, the face of the new world. The one who will be at the forefront of it all".

Owen and Claire turned and stared Max in confusion, they parted, allowing Max to step forward as he glared at Mills. For a long moment, there was a tense silence between the two of them. Then, Mills smiled. "Max, it is so good to see you again. All that time ago, when I heard what happened to Jurassic World, I thought you were long gone. But I should have known you'd survive, you were never one to give up easily. And now, by dumb luck, or perhaps fate, you've been brought back and now you're ready to fulfil your original purpose".

Max's expression betrayed him as he allowed confusion to cross his face. He quickly shook his head and stepped all the way to the bars. "You're too late, Mills. That chip that Wu and Kon put in my head is gone. I can't be controlled anymore, not by you, not by anyone".

Mills nodded with closed eyes, almost as if he was patiently waiting for Max to stop talking. "Yes," he said.  "I was against those mind chips that Mantah Corp made. But Wu believed it was worth taking precautions in case you rebelled. But I knew that your full potential could only be gained from willing co-operation".

"Full potential? Willing co-operation? Max repeated. "What makes you think I'd ever work with you!?" He shouted.

Mills smiled. "Oh, I have my ways".

The Best Of Both: Camp Cretaceous OCWhere stories live. Discover now