How To Train Your Dinosaur

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A/N: Season 4 uploads are right around the corner, along with a rewritten version of season 1 and other plot points!

"Alright, this should be enough fabric," Darius said as he dumped a new set on the pile already there. "We should get to sewing this together as soon as possible".

"Sewing is my specialty," Brooklynn said. "Step aside everyone, let the master do her stuff".

"Oh yeah, because sewing is so very impressive," Yasmina said sarcastically. Brooklynn ignored her and sat down in front of the pile of white fabric, inspecting it. "This might take a bit," she said. "Sammy, you have experience with stuff like this, could you stick around and help?" Sammy nodded and sat down next to her and began talking about what would be the best way to sew all this together.

"Alright. Well, Kenji and I will look around for any loose wood we can sue to build the rafts main foundations.

"You may need Bumpy's help to lift some stuff," Ben said. "I'll come too".

Me too," Yasmian called, running over and joining them. The four of them turned to me, awaiting an answer for what I will do. I was about to volunteer to join them as well, but my voice caught in my throat as I realised that this was my chance to finally find that raptor.

"Oh, I've got another idea that I think will help us out," I said quickly. "You guys go on ahead, I'll do my own thing, I do think this will help, trust me".

"Okay then," Darius said. "Don't forget to stay on channel six in case you need help," he tossed me a walkie-talkie with a full battery in it. I nodded to them and we split up.


At first, I had no idea where I was going. I didn't know where that raptor would be now, it never seemed to stay in one place for too long, which meant it could be anywhere on this island, this could take a while.

As I walked aimlessly through the silent jungle, I did a recap of everything that has happened the past months we had been here. I had concluded that would have to have been here for at least two months, which meant that the chances of people still thinking we were alive had gone to zero.

My body finally felt fully healed, though I kept the bandages on just in case. We had fortified the base even more while we were thinking up new escape routes, we had put the blue fence that used to surround the zipline around camp, making us feel a little safer at night. The new escape route we had decided to settle on was building a big raft so we could sail all the way to Costa Rica. So far the plan had looked promising, we had found plenty of fabric and wood around to build a foundation and sail, all that was left was putting it all together.

I sighed as I came back to the present and looked around, I had wandered into a small valley with a running river at the bottom. I travelled along the edge of the water as I looked around, the trees were lush and thick down here, I couldn't see anything that might be hiding in the jungle all around me.

I stopped dead when I heard snarls and roars a head of me. I was completely frozen as I strained to listen for the roars. It sounded like two dinosaurs fighting. I felt my brain fighting my body as I took a shaky step forward, then another.

Before long I was running towards the noises which grew louder and louder with each second. "What am I doing? What am I doing? What am I doing?" I thought over and over again. A pained cry echoed around me and my pace only sped up.

The river eventually dipped into a large circular area where the river continued into a cave. In this lower valley, I saw two dinosaurs, one was the really aggressive Ceratosaurus, the other one was the blue raptor I had been searching. The Ceratosaurus had a few fresh cars thanks to his battle with Toro, but he looked perfectly recovered, meanwhile the raptor was in worse shape, it looked injured and tired with what looked like a bit of a limp.

The Best Of Both: Camp Cretaceous OCWhere stories live. Discover now