Battle Lines

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It was the morning of the next day and I wasn't surprised to discover that I wasn't looking forward to today. Darius, Ben and I all met up in the hallways and proceeded to the Tree Room. As we approached the front doors, we saw Brooklynn already standing outside. She looked utterly miserable.

We all knew what was behind that door, and one way or another, we had to face this. "You ready?" I asked her.

Brooklynn didn't answer and instead walked right inside. Kenji was there by the table he had set up for last night, stacking up plates with his head low.

To my left, Sammy and Yasmina were standing off to the side, looking very uncomfortable. I tapped Darius and Ben and lead them over to the two of them, while Brooklynn approached her boyfriend.

"Kenji, I am so sorry, I...".

"Stood me up?" Kenji interrupted, even his voice was low and expressionless.

"I know it looks bad, is bad, but we found out that your dad freed Kash," Brooklynn explained desperately. "And he has Mae working with him to perfect dinosaur control, and they've done it".

Kenji slammed the plates on the table and rounded on her. "Are you serious?"

"Yes!" Brooklynn exclaimed. "Which is probably what your dads big presentation today is all about".

"I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about you," Kenji pointed his finger at her, the hurt clearly written on him. "Instead of showing up to our first date, you're running around trying to prove that my dad is what? Some supervillain?"

"We should go," Sammy whispered. I leaned my head forward slightly and looked at her, shaking my hand along my neck, the 'Stop' gesture. "Right, we should hear this".

I stepped forward once and attempted to help Brooklynn out. "Brooklynn wanted to get back sooner, but we were headed off by Raptors, Kenji. In a situation like that, what more could you have wanted from us?"

"I don't care. I'm not even mad about that," Kenji said to me. "Why didn't you guys just talk to me about any of this?"

"You were so happy to see your dad again," I continued, walking forward more as Darius and Ben stood by my side. "We didn't want to say anything unless we were absolutely certain he was up to something. But Kenji, I know he is...because...". My breath suddenly caught in my throat as I looked back at Sammy and Yasmina. Neither of them or Brooklynn knew yet. Was I really about to drop this now? Of all times?

"Fine. I'll talk to him," Kenji stopped me from saying any more as he walked to the doors. He opened it and turned around. "But for the record, you guys are the ones who are clearly up to something". He walked out the door and slammed it closed with fierce speed.

"Yeah, I really wish I had left earlier," Sammy said to herself.

Ben turned to us. "Nothings changed. We still have to help Mae and stop Mr Kon". We all nodded. except for one, and all went for the doors, ready to get into action.

I stopped mid-step and looked back, seeing Brooklynn with her arms crossed and staring at the floor. Darius went to her and put his hand on her shoulder. "We got this. You don't have to mess things up any worse with Kenji". Darius turned, he and I nodded to each other and reached for the door.

"Wait". Darius and I turned around. "I'm coming too," Brooklynn said, her previous look completely vanished. "This is for Kenji, he... he needs to know the truth".


We were back in the jungle once more, running through the vegetation to reach the place where had last seen Mae. We took cover just outside the building and waited for any signs of activity. It wasn't long before a BRAD-X came marching down the dirt path, wheeling a trailer of crates in front of it.

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