Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

I decided to stick around backstage for the entire show. If it was any other night, then I would have gone back to the hotel and get some rest.

But this wasn't just any other night.

Zayn hadn't come to see me before the show, and his bags were basically already packed and ready to go. I didn't even know if I would ever see him again.

I hoped that him and Perrie would come when the baby is born, but I had no idea how much attention he would be getting for this announcement.

"Lou, will you go to the show with me?" I asked her. "I want to see the last show."

I wasn't even sure if it was completely safe for me to go to the stadium, but this would be the last time One Direction would ever be One Direction.

I could tell that Lou was about to object, but when she saw the look in my eyes, she agreed to it.

We had to take a security guard with us just in case things got too wild, but Lou and I were far from crazy tonight.

There's always a certain area reserved for famous people or people who work with One Direction that was isolated from the rest of the general public, and we got to go there.

It was almost like a balcony that was tucked away into the stadium, yet our view was just as good as any of the other ones.

It had been so long since I went to one of their shows, my breath was taken away by what I saw.

There were so many people, and they were all there to support Niall and the boys.

It was completely dark, but there were so many iPhone flashlights, signs, and stage lights that made it seem like daytime.

The five boys looked like they were doing what they loved. I would have never guessed anything would be wrong.

The first show I went to, Owen was nothing more than a cell. Now here I was, eight months pregnant, and I could feel Owen moving around.

I started crying again because Owen would never get to experience One Direction the way that I did. The happy One Direction.

I put my hands on my stomach and tapped along to the music, sucking it up.

The fans were so good to them, singing along to all the songs, cheering as loud as possible when they did something so little, like breathing.

They were all in their perfect little worlds that I wish I was in.

They were so oblivious to the fact that Zayn would be gone as soon as this show was over, that Niall was going to be a dad in less than a month.

What I would give to be one of those fans in this moment.

I felt Lou put her arm around me during Little Things. The entire stadium lit up with lights, and it was so beautiful. All I could think about was back to my birthday when Niall sang his new version of this song.

He probably didn't even know I was in the crowd right now, cheering him on. Cheering all of the boys on.

I had the security guard take a picture of Lou and I at the edge of the balcony, against the lit-up stadium. You could barely make out our faces, but it was proof that I was there.

They all gave heart-felt speeches, telling the fans how much they loved them. They said stuff like that to the fans during every show, but tonight, it felt even more special.

I took in every minute of the show, and the only thing that went through my head was the fact that I was witnessing the end of an era.

So was everybody else in the audience- and they didn't even know it. This was my last chance to enjoy it.

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