Chapter 88

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Chapter 88

We both took a deep breath and looked into each other's eyes. 

"Everything is going to be okay," Niall said, reaching his arms out so we could sit closer to each other.

"Maybe we shouldn't ever tell anybody," I said. "Just keep it a secret forever and nobody will ever have to know."

Niall's hand tensed up on my back. "You can't live in secret for your entire life. Besides, Owen doesn't deserve that and I don't know if I could ever watch you like that," he said. "People are going to find out eventually."

"Not if we keep doing what we've been doing," I said. "It seems to be working."

"It seems to be working but I know that you're not happy this way," Niall said. "I want the best for you and Owen."

I sighed.

"Maybe this is the best," I said. "Maybe things will backfire when we tell people like they did for Louis and Briana and everybody will freak out even more."

"Things only backfired for Louis because everybody found out via tabloid," Niall said. "For us, people are going to find out because of a live stream and a nice video montage you've been spending so much time putting together."

I turned around so I could look at Niall. I pressed my lips together.

"I think we should just give this some time to cool down and see what happens," I decided, starting to get up from the couch. 

"Sounds good," Niall said, still sitting on the couch. 

"I finished the slideshow of pictures because I thought we were going to be showing it this week," I added, walking towards the kitchen and opening a cabinet.

"When do I get to see it?" Niall asked, smiling over the couch at me.

I smiled back. "You're just going to have to wait until we show the world," I replied. I thought it would be more real to him if he saw it with the rest of the world to show how much he loves and cares for his family.

"I only cried about eight times while making it," I said, pulling a glass from the cabinet and filling it with water. "Do you want anything?"

"I'm fine, thank you," Niall said. 

I joined him back on the couch and we got to sit and talk and cuddle like there was nothing else going on in the world. Owen was finally sleeping and everything was content.

"I could get Briana's number through Louis if you wanted to talk to her," Niall hinted. "I think it would be a good idea."

"I'd really like to meet with her in person," I said. "I've always hated sharing stuff like that on the phone. You never know how they interpret it."

Niall nodded his head. "I understand," he added. "Maybe we can see if she can visit sometime?"

I nodded my head and leaned farther into him. 

The rest of the day went by slowly with an uneasy feeling in my stomach. Owen woke up from his nap and Niall made some dinner for us. 

I tried my best to avoid looking at my phone because I knew the internet would just be blowing up like I was an hour ago.

It was almost funny how much the internet takes over your life, and it allows rumors to circulate as if they were from reliable sources. 

Now that I was a mother and Niall was around more, I spent less time on my phone and more time with my family and doing errands and chores. But still, like any twenty year old, social medias would haunt my generation.

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