Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

After breakfast, the boys filled the elevator while I took a few extra minutes to 'check out the lobby', when really, I just couldn't be seen with them. 

There were always fans in the lobby, trying to catch a glimpse of the boys. I took off my pass when I saw the fans, so they wouldn't give me any unnecessary attention. The less attention I received, the better. 

I walked to the window of the lobby, and there were even more fans outside, sitting on the sidewalk. The thing that makes One Direction fans special is their dedication. Even if there was a snowstorm, there would still be fans outside waiting for them. 

It was almost 11am, and the sun warmed the room. The sign of the arena they would be playing in again tonight was visible over the buildings. I smiled, but knew I would be heading home tomorrow morning.

I turned around and went back to the elevators. When I was riding up to the last floor, I put the pass around my neck so I wouldn't be stopped again. To my delight, I was waved right in by the security guard. 

I turned the corner and knocked on the door to Niall's room. Niall opened the door, and I saw the band sitting on the couch. I thought that it might get easier telling people that I was pregnant since I've already done it once, but it's just as hard each time. 

Niall and I sat on the couch in front of the other boys, and I looked at him awkwardly, not knowing what to say. He was the one who had invited them, and he was the one who would speak.

"I'm sorry for getting defensive at breakfast, Zayn, but I did have a reason to be. We didn't have sex last night, but we did a few weeks ago at the party," Niall said. 

The boys looked at each other and made weird faces. My face turned bright red. That was unnecessary. I laughed awkwardly again, because it was better than just sitting there.

"That's not the point though," Niall said. He was surprisingly calm about it. My heart rate picked up and I was overwhelmed with emotions again. I didn't want to see their faces when they found out. They could be so mad, and they would blame Niall and me for ruining their careers. It wasn't just Niall's that was at risk, it was all of their's. 

"What we really needed to tell you about was that..." Niall paused and looked at me. "Alyssa's pregnant."

I didn't know weather to smile or to look surprised, so I just kind of pressed my lips together and raised my eyebrows.

I could practically see the confusion that had absorbed Liam, Zayn, and Louis. Harry acted surprised, but we both knew that he had already found out. 

Liam was the first to speak. "Oh my god," was all that he could manage.

"I'm so so sorry. We are the only ones who know. Alyssa and I haven't told anybody else, not even our families. We didn't mean for this to happen, but it did. We don't plan on telling that many people, because if this gets out, I couldn't be able to imagine the chaos."

"That's why Alyssa came last night. And it explains why she went in a different elevator," Liam said, putting the pieces together. 

"Are you mad?" Niall asked quietly.

"No, man. I'm really sorry this had to happen. But congratulations! First One Direction baby!" Louis said. 

"We all thought that Harry would be the first one to get a girl pregnant," Zayn said.

"Just to clarify, Niall didn't get me pregnant. I am pregnant because we both decided to have drunken sex and we both didn't use protection. I'm not a victim, we have an equal part in this," I said. 

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