Chapter 101/Epilogue

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Chapter 101

It all made sense. 

Why he had brought our families together, why he was acting so weird, and why he was making such a big deal out of today. 

I nodded my head furiously, tears rolling down my cheeks. 

"Of course," I spoke so that only he could hear it, our eyes never breaking contact.

He had a smile on his face that was bigger than I have ever seen it before. He slipped the ring on my finger, pulled me close, and then kissed me in front of everybody. 

"Now I can be a Horan for real," I said into his ear. 

Harry and Liam came over and patted us on the back, and the crowd was screaming like crazy. 

"I've seen a few onstage proposals in my day, but nothing like that," Harry said into his microphone.

I kept forgetting we were at a concert surrounded by total strangers. 

Harry gave me a hug. 

The music started up again for the next song and the concert picked back up. 

"I'll see you after, I love you," Niall said into my ear.

"I love you too."

I kissed him on the cheek again and then left the stage to see Lou, Lottie, and Owen. Lou and Lottie were screaming and ran to me for a hug. 

"Congratulations!" Lou said. 

"We are so excited!" Lottie said. 

I was nothing but smiles and happiness. I guess I kind of saw it coming, but not tonight of all nights. 

"Mommy and daddy are getting married!" I said to Owen, showing him my ring. 

He was too young to understand, it would barely change anything for him. But now, it was forever. There was nobody else that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Everyday I fell more in love with him, and he was my best friend. My best friend who I had a family with.

Time is so delicate, and everything happens for a reason. If it wasn't for our hook up at a party, I might have never seen him again. I might have been a student in college living alone in that ratty apartment.

I couldn't imagine my life without him or Owen, even though at one time I thought that this would be the end of my life. 

Our mistakes make us better. Our struggles make us stronger. Our conflicts help us understand each other better. 

Even though I didn't see it in the beginning, it made me who I am today. I am not alone, and whatever challenges life throws at us, I know we can take it. 

The night changes so quickly, but it's nothing that we can't handle.



Niall and Alyssa get married a year later in Ireland and stay together for a very long time to come. Lou is Alyssa's maid of honor, along with bridesmaids Perrie and Lottie. Niall chooses Greg as his best man. Owen is the ring bearer at one and a half years old.

Owen and Louis' son Freddie become close friends and are able to spend a lot of time together.

When Owen is about five, Niall and Alyssa have a baby girl named  Lucy Louise Horan, and this time, they don't have to go to extremes to keep it a secret. 

Over time, their family gradually becomes more private as Niall steps away from the spotlight. 

Alyssa and Niall raise two excellent children in New York. They are great parents and an even better husband and wife. 

Any other details are left up to your imagination.


I've been updating this story almost every week for about two years. I began writing it for fun and it became something so much bigger. 

I don't write for the votes or the popularity, I write because I love it. I have grown with this story and put years of my life into making it the best it can be. 

Your responses have been incredible and I hope that even more people continue to read it even when I no longer have updates for it. This story has run its course, and writing more chapters would just be to drag it on. This is the perfect place to stop, and although I know some of you want more, this is the end of the story. 

There is a level of realness to this story, and that's what makes it different. I didn't write Alyssa for you to love her, in fact, sometimes you should hate her. These characters are individuals with development and feelings original to themselves. In fact, hating a character or hating a part of the story is exactly what I wanted from you. It means that you have grown emotionally attached to the story and feel what the characters are feeling, and that makes me so unbelievably happy.

Looking back at some of the earlier chapters, there are some things that I would change knowing what I know now. I'm not going to change any earlier aspects of the story, but keep in mind that I was barley fourteen when I wrote the beginning. I tried my best to do a lot of research on pregnancy and stuff like that but there's only so much I can do! (haha)

Lastly, thank YOU for not giving up on this story and reading it until the last update. I am going to miss having new comments on each update (I do read every single one of them) to see what you think. I am so glad that you love this story as much as I do and am so thankful for the feedback I've gotten. 

Please feel free to leave any final thoughts you have in the comments, I would love to see what your final reactions were and see if I did my job. 

Thank you so much. And remember, the night changes so fast, but everything happens for a reason ;)



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