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The streets were reverberating by the sounds of the motorcycles engines. A group of guys dressed in white long coats with dragons on their backs were riding their machines along the streets of Tokyo. A guy with black hair up in the middle of his head was leading them, close behind him were 3 other guys: one of them with a mean look and short black hair, one with long black hair, one with ear length white hair and a long earring with red beans.

On the motorcycle with leader was also a little boy with blonde hair and together with the one with white hair was a little girl with black hair.

- "Why are we home?" The little girl asked puzzled blinking often looking at the guy she was riding the motorcycle with.

- "Hyō-chan, it's time for little kids to go to sleep. We have something to do." The white-haired guy told her.

- "But Waka-nii-san, I wanna stay with you! You are all my dragons-brothers!" Hyō said sitting on the motorcycle raising her hands in the air.

The guy with long black hair looked at her amused.

- "You should listen to your bother, Hyō-chan!" The guy with short hair scolded her.

- "But Keizo-nii-san, I'm not tired. I wanna see you fighting! You are going to fight, aren't you?" The girl asked turning to him while her brother, Wakasa, was holding her to not slip.

The members of black dragon gang started to laugh looking at her delighted expression.

- "Imaushi, she is going to be a fighter one day." Someone said.

- "I can fight! I trained with Manjiro-chan!" Hyō said pointing to the blonde boy.

- "You are a child, Koneko!" Manjiro said trying to look very blazed by her behaviour.

- "We are the same age!" The girl protested amusing the people around them.

- "Manjiro, you have to go too." His brother, Shinichiro, said.

- "That is not fair!" Manjiro protested.

- "Oi, kids, be grateful your older brothers took you for this night ride! It's past your bedtime!" Akashi told them on a bossy tone.

- "Fine... Take-nii-san" Hyō said defeated. "Have a good fight, my dragons-brothers!" She said waving to the gang, then she hugged her brother and went inside her house.

- "She is such a child..." Manjiro said rolling his eyes.

- "So are you." Shinichiro said amused.

Hyō entered quickly her room, took her photo camera and started to shot pictures of her brother and his gang through the window from her room while they moved away from her house.

- "One day I will go to fights together with my dragons-brothers!" Hyō said posing like a superhero with the photo camera hanging on her neck.

- "Emmaaaaa-chan, are you spying on us?" Hyō asked catching Emma in her arms.

Manjiro's sister was hidden behind the dojo door looking inside at some little boys who were still training. She was caught by surprise by Hyō and let out a scream amusing the girl with her reaction. Emma's grandfather, Mansaku Sano, turned to them and started yelling at Hyō to stop playing around and get back to her training.

- "But, sensei Sano, I thought that we were about to take a break." One of his students said.

Shinichiro came by the dojo and greeted the two girls patting their heads.

- "Shini-nii-san!" Hyō happily exclaimed when she saw him.

- "Shinichiro-kun!" Another boy with black hair and sharp canines greeted him when he saw Shinichiro and came near the door.

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