Shinichiro's death

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Hyō was jumping on the stairs of the Musashi Shrine together with Mika chanting and laughing. Mika met with her that evening to tell her about her revenge on Hikari. It had been a few weeks since Hyō was transferred to her new school and Mika visited her daily to hear everything about her new school and about her day. She was beyond mad when she heard that Hikari's cousin was in the same class with her friend, Hyō, and that he was spreading rumours about her. Mika repeatedly begged her father to transfer her to the same school with Hyō, but her father refused. As a result, the girl stared to act out by throwing the food that was served to her around the dining-room, destroying her father's favourite ties and her mother dresses, but nothing convinced her parents.

After everything that happened with her group of friends, she approached Hikari one day and told her that she was right all along, the only reason she was spending time with Hyō was to get her homework done by the nerd. Given Hikari's ego, she believed Mika and accepted to be friends with her again. One day, Mika asked Hikari to a sleep over at her house. At dinner, Mika slipped a sleeping pile in Hikari's glass of soda and while the girl was sleeping, she cut all of her beautiful blonde hair and kept it as a trophy displayed inside her room. Hikari almost fainted crying when she woke up and saw all her hair gone while Mika laughed at her and insulted her until the girl left her house.

Finally her father accepted to transfer her to a new school, because he was afraid that Mika would start bulling other kids just to get what she wanted. After her father gave her the news, she ran to Hyō's house to tell her.

- "Stay there, Mika, I want to take a picture of you." Hyō said stopping on the stairs taking the photo camera in her hands. "The city lights looks nice from here."

Mika stopped and started to pose for her.

- "This is so cool, it's like I have my own photographer!" Mika said smiling to the camera.

When they arrived at top of the stairs, under the torri gate, they heard some voices and decided to slowly approach them.

- "Gotcha!" Hyō yelled taking a picture of Mikey and his friends right the moment they turned to her with their scared faces.

- "What the hell, Koneko! You scared me!" Mikey said looking at the camera in her hands.

- "Oi, Imaushi-kitten, long time no see!" Keisuke said coming in front of her.

The others greeted her.

- "Hyō-chan, do you really know all these guys?" Mika asked shocked.

- "Yeah, I'm not taking pictures of strangers." She asked looking at them

There were all of Mikey's friends: Keisuke, Draken, Mitsuya, Pah-chin, Kazutora. Hyō introduced her girl friend to all of them.

- "What are you doing here, guys?" Hyō asked them.

- "We have just founded our own gang!" Kazutora told her excited.

- "And you are right in time to take some pictures of us!" Mikey told her.

- "But I wanted to a founding member too, that's not fair!"

- "It's too late, it's already founded." Mikey said sticking out his tongue. " know...You can join us, Koneko."

- "You would be the first recruited member." Keisuke said showing his canines.

- "But do you want her to join you?" Mika asked squinting her eyes to Mikey.

- "He wants her to join, but he would never admit it." Draken said.

- "I think that we all want her to join us." Mitsuya said warmly smiling.

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