9th September

28 3 0

The day of the fight between Tokyo Manji and Kantou Manji came. They all gathered to the fighting area, the cargo bay.

- "500 of Kantou Manji vs 50 of Tokyo Manji, when you look at this that way the difference is overwhelming." Chifuyu said.

- "Aren't we all used to this?" Takemichi said.

- "Takemichi, I'll beat up 10 guys and then I'll deal with Mochi." Chifuyu informed him.

- "I also got someone that I want to kill, Ran Haitani." Hakkai said. "That guy who crushed Taka-chan's head!"

- "Hey, man, that should be my resentment, shouldn't it?" Mitsuya said.

- "How about you Senju?" Takemichi asked turning to her. "Why are those two to the other side?"

- "Because they are bitches!" Hyō said showing the middle finger to her brother and Keizo.

- "We deserve that." Wakasa said looking at his sister.

- "I'm never thought that we will fight agains her and Senju." Keizo said.

- "Hanma's there too." Smiley said.

- "They were strong to begin with, but now they've reinforced their strength." Pen-yan said.

- "Why are you so scared? The queen is on our side." Ryusei smirked.

- "Do we have any chance of wining?" Takemichi asked.

- "We'll see." Hyō said putting a hand on his shoulder.

- "Hey, you guys, is there any need for two Toman?" Mikey asked. "There's not need for that, right?"

- "Hehe, got it boss. Hey idiots, didn't the fight of the three deities decided who's the champion?" Haruchiyo yelled. "Don't drag up the old team at this point! We're over with these kids fights! Plus, you're a team made of losers, you guys are obviously no match for us. If you want to make memories, go somewhere else!"

Kantou Manji members started to laugh.

- "You guys aren't Toman" Takemichi said.

- "Ha? Your voice is so quiet we can not hear you!" Haru said.

- "It's just wrong, Toman is not supposed to be like that!" Takemichi yelled. "Today we'll defeat Kantou Manji and succeed to Tokyo Manji name! Come and kill us if you can Kantou Manji gang! No matter what happened we will never give it! We will defeat you no matter what! Let's go Sano Manjiro!"

The fight started. 

- "What an idiot! Why would the weakest loser like you, charge in first in a suicide attack like that?" Mikey asked unbothered. "The team is done if their leader fails, you know?"

- "Your fight is over you dumbass!!" Kakuchou yelled and punched Takemichi in the face, but Takemichi did not fall and punched Kakucho with all his strength pushing him away.

- "And now with the same resolution I'll go to Mikey!" Takemichi said.

- "Everyone, let's follow our captain!" Chifuyu said and they started to attack their enemies.

It was always Takemichi the last one standing, the one who confronted Mikey at the fight of the 3 deities, but that was not all, there was also Hyō alway beside him, protecting him, ready to die for him.

They put down any enemy they encountered scaring the members of Kantou Manji.

- "Oi, Senju, that was my 100th, how many do you counted?" Hyō asked kicking a guy in the face.

- "I lost count after the 50th!" Senju said punching a guy.

- "What is wrong with Tokyo Manji Gang? They are a bunch of monster!" Someone yelled. 

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