The king is dead, long live the queen (The end of Bonten arc)

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- "Hyō, we got a situation...I'm to blame for this, but, please, I need your help." Kazutora told her over the phone.

- "What have you done, Kazu?" Hyō asked concerned. She was on her way home in her car.

- "You need to talk to Takemichi...He and I were looking for Mikey."

- "You fucking idiots! Are you out of your mind?!" She yelled at him. " Where are you? Where is Takemichi?"

- "I told him about all the Bonten hideouts I knew, but we found nothing about Mikey.

- "You fucking moron! Where is he now?"

- "I think he went home...I hope he did."

- "No, he did not, you imbecile! Think, piece of shit, where is he?" She yelled at him.

- "I..don't know.."

- "Kazutora, if something happens to Takemichi, I'll skin you alive! He worked so hard to save us all! He deserves to be happy!"

- "I think...he might be at the old bowling area where Bonten used to meet."

- "Start praying to find him alive." She said and ended the phone call.

She took a sharp turn and sped to the old bowling area. Kazutora felt awful, then he realised that Hyō did not asked him about which bowling area he was talking about. She did not have to ask him, because she met them a few times at that place. She was bowling while they were discussing about their business. The only reason she was talking part of their meetings was so that she could stop them if they would have endangered anyone who was not a criminal. She dialled Mikey's phone number, but he did not answer his phone. After a few failed attempts to contact him, she called Haruchiyo, but he did not answer either. She even tried to call Takemichi, but it was also unsuccessful. 

- "Takeomi, where is your brother?" She asked him when he answered the phone.

- "I have no idea, he left with Mikey a while ago." He answered.

- "Are you with the others?"

- "Yes, the Haitani brothers and Kakuchou are also here."

- "Put me on speaker."

- "Done."

- "Listen here very carefully, Bonten, I need to know where Mikey is or where Haru is! Now!!" She yelled enraged.

- "Are you PMSing or something?" Ran laughed.

- "Take it serious, Haitani! I need to find Mikey and/or Haru!"

- "We don't know, Hyō." Kakuchou told her. "Do you think they are in danger?"

- "No...but I'm afraid they are about to do something very stupid..." She ended the phone call.

The traffic in the city was horrible, she had to park her car a few blocks away from the bowling area and ran to the building. She noticed Haruchiyo shouting looking distressed. She sprinted to him scared about what he might be looking at. The moment she got closer to the building she saw Mikey hanging on Takemichi's hand. She took off her heels and started to run barefoot  to the building screaming her boyfriend name. Haru noticed her and looked at her scared. The moment she arrived in front of the building Mikey and Takemichi hit the ground in font of her. She screamed with tears running down her face and rushed to them. She took Mikey in her arms crying, she was covered in his blood. He was already dead. People gathered around to see what happened, some called an ambulance. Haru was frozen in place looking at scene in front of his eyes. She checked Takemichi's pulse too, but it was very weak. She took off her jacket and tried to stop his bleeding, but he was already unconscious with his brain scattered on the ground. He died too. She stood there in her knees crying and screaming until she blacked out.

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