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Takemichi meet up with Chifuyu, Mikey, Draken, Hakkai and Mitsuya before going back to the future and told them which Keisuke's last words were. Hyō was there too with her photo camera, because Takemichi asked her to take a picture of him and all the other guys. He announced her and Chifuyu about his will to go back to the future. It was more of a coincidence that Hyō also found out about his decision. She just wanted to meet with them to scold them for the reckless decision of trusting Kisaki and attacking Taiju.

- "Smile, ladies!" Hyō said taking a picture of them. "Mikey, stop yawning!"

- "What am I suppose to do?" Mikey shrugged trying to piss her off.

- "Takemichi, stop shifting! Just stay still for a moment! Now, smile or whatever..." She took another picture of them.

After shaking hands with Naoto, Takemichi was transferred to the future. He was walking to a big yard. It took him a few seconds to adjust to the new surroundings. An unknown woman greeted him and leaded him around. He was stunned by realisation that he was at a funeral, the unknown woman and her sister looked somehow familiar to them, but he could not remember who they were. As instructed, he entered a room where the mortuary vigil was held. He almost fainted when he noticed that was Mitsuya's funeral. He gasped for air and loosen a bit the tie around his neck. It was like that piece of cloth was trying to strangle him. He felt a hand being put on his shoulder and turned to the person who touched him.

In front of his eyes was a young beautiful woman with purplish eyes, long black hair, dressed in a long black sleeved dress.

- "Takemchi..." She whispered sadly. "Sit for a moment." She lead him to an empty chair.

He was trying to process all that happened and to remember who that stunning woman was. The woman gave him a bottle of water from her purse. Then it hit him: she was Hyō Imaushi! Adult Hyō, the one he never saw in his trips to the future until then, she changed a lot, but still had the same sharp and wit-full eyes.

- "Hyō...what happened? Is it real?" He asked hoping she will tell him it was all a bad dream.

But she only looked at him pitiful.

- "The worst moment to come back..." She smiled sadly. "Let's walk a bit. I can see from your look you have a lot of questions."

She took his arm and helped him walk out of the room. It was obvious that he was about to have a panic attack and it would only stir the atmosphere. Luna and Mana had already enough to deal with, they did not need anything else on their plate.

- "Thank you for stopping by, Imaushi-sama!" Luna said when she saw the two of them leaving.

- "I'm sorry about this, Luna-chan. Takemichi needs some time to process it all. My condolences, Luna, Mana. If you need anything, I'm on a phone call away." 

- "Thank you, Imaushi-sama!" Mana bowed.

After a few steps away from the location, Takemichi dropped to his knees and started to cry hysterically. Hyō lighted a cigarette and smoked while gently massaging his upper back trying yo console him.

- "Let it all out..." She whispered.

Takemichi took out his phone and stared to check the news, Mitsuya was the admin of the Tokyo Manji gang, he also found out that Hinata Tachibana was also dead, nothing changed.

- "All I did was for nothing! Hyō, tell me, how could all of these happened?!" He yelled grabbing her shoulders. "The others! Where are they? Chifuyu? Draken?"

- "Let me drive you home, we will talk about it there." Hyō told him helping him to get up.

She leaded him to her car and drove silently to his house while he was crying and trying to made sense of everything. They arrived at a crappy old apartment building and entered Takemichi's apartment. Hyō was a bit surprised to see how small his apartment was and how crowded and messy. Takemichi calmed down one their way home. The woman was looking around and noticed the photo she took that day with all of them, also on the table was an envelop covered by the picture.

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