The war is over (Bonten era)

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Hyō was in the bathroom cleaning her wounds. The disinfectant from the cotton-wool she was using, was stinging, but her entire body was so numbed by her hurt feelings than she did not feel the physical pain anymore. She told her brother to stop calling her and also inform the others that she wanted to be left alone.

The warm water was gently caressing her frozen skin while she was standing in the shower with her forehead resting on the cold faiance from the wall. She was trying to calm herself, to get Mikey out of her head, but all she could see when she closed her eyes were the darkness inside his. How could that Mikey be the same with the innocent sweet looking Mikey from their first date or the loving and caring Mikey from a few night before? Her Mikey...Then she review in her mind the look Mikey had the day his plane was broken and felt her body shiver. She exhaled deeply and took a towel from the towel rack and wrapper it on her body. The water was dripping off her wet hair and she stumbled to the bathroom door.

- "Mikey!!" She screamed when she saw him on the other side of the bathroom door.

He pulled her in his arms and hugger her tightly. A sigh got out of her chest and she looked in his empty eyes.

- "What do you want?" She asked gently pushing him away from her.

- "" Mikey said following her to her room.

She went to her wardrobe and took a few clothes to get dressed. Mikey was sitting on the chair from her desk waiting for her to turn to him.

- "You better have a good explanation for attacking me." She said looking at him pissed.

- "I told you: you wee between me and my prey." He shrugged. "Koneko, I can not control it...I crave violence...I'm afraid I'll keep on hurting you...I want you, I crave you and your touch, but in the same time, I want to be violent towards you...I fell the urge to inflict pain to this beautiful body of yours while pleasuring myself using you...and this is the last thing I want to do to you. I never wanted to hurt you. I don't want to use are not just a toy for me, but in the same time, I can not control my impulses."

- "I figured that out..." She sighed. "I won't accept this kind of behaviour...I love you, but I love myself more."

- "You don't want to know what messed up things are running inside my mind right now..."

- "I got it! Violent sex...not my thing, sorry." She said annoyed.

- "And not just sex...I fell the urge to make you cry...and violate your body while you cry for me to stop."

- "JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY!" She slapped him trembling. "I don't want those images inside my head...and I don't want to hate you." She kissed him gently receiving no reaction from him. "As I wrote on that childish greeting card: I'll always be your friend. You know where do find me, but I will not be your punching bag, nor your pet, nor your toy."

- "I know you very well, Koneko, and your arrogance, and your pride. I adore it about you. You are nobody's bitch."

- "Take care of you, Mikey..." She whispered showing him the door.

- "Take care of all of them, Koneko..." Mikey said in a cold tone and left.

Hyō looked after him while he was speeding up to the empty night streets.

- "Maybe...maybe in another life, my love..." She whispered and got to her bed with tears in her eyes.

A few days later she decided to visit all of her friends from Toman. Chifuyu was in the pet store where he was working part-time, Inui was at Draken's workshop, Mitsuya was working at a new piece of clothing, Pen-yan and Pah-chin were helping students with the accommodation. They all looked happy. The war was over. Mikey disappeared again from her life. Maybe the future was brighter than she saw it at that moment since Takemichi did not come back all these years. Or maybe he couldn't come back which meant Hinata was alive and well. This made Hyō happy.

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