Mad house (Bonten era)

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The next day of high-school, Mika was distant to Hyō, she even switched places with one of her colleagues in order not to sit next to her friend. Hyō was not ready to talk to her about all that happened between Mika and Wakasa, because if she would have talked with Mika in that state, it was a risk that she would punch her friend in the face for breaking her trust and making her question her brother's morals.

In the recess, Hyō decided to go to school roof top and smoke alone in silence. She was leaning on the railing, with her feet handing from the roof looking at the other students from the school yard.

- "Can you turn your thoughts down a bit?" Ryusei asked jovial walking to her.

- "Old habits die hard, huh?" She asked turning to him.

Since they were in middle school, Ryusei used to take naps on the roof top.

- "Oh, captain, my captain, what happened to you, my dear sweet captain?" He chanted sitting next to her.

- "Shit happened..." She whispered. "Mika ASed my brother..." She sighed. "And lied to me about it."

- "Damn... I wouldn't be so concerned about your brother, he is a grown up man, he can handle it. I'm more concerned about why Mika lied to you."

- "Shame, maybe? I did not talked to her about it....I just want to punch her. First, she made some inappropriate remarks about Mikey...she seemed horny for him...then this." She explained.

- "Mikey?" Ryusei asked a bit taken aback.

- "Yeah, Mikey...he is back."

- "Are you sure this is good for you?" He asked concerned.

- "I don't think that you are the best person with whom to talk about it..."

He sighed.

- "It's true that I always wanted to ask you for a date, but it's not my jealousy speaking or something like that. Mikey is kinda bipolar and I'm afraid he will hurt you again."

- "I kinda expect it anyway..." She sighed.

- "Regarding Mika...Hyō, it was pretty obvious all this time that she has some issue because of her fucked up family. Maybe that is why she has such a high sex drive. Don't get mad, but she also proposed me to have sex with her, but I refused." He said embarrassed.

- "When did it happen?" Hyō curiously asked.

- "This morning..." He answered a bit ashamed.

- "Unbelievable! I bet she also asked Mikey to fuck her!" She said enraged.

- "You can ask him, if you want to know."

- "I can't...I broke my phone."

- "Does it bother you that she wants to have sex with guys you are interested in or are interested in you?" Ryusei asked.

- "Of course! I mean...Mikey is my boyfriend."

- "Yeah, it would be pretty messed up to ask your boyfriend to fuck her."

- "She has a crush on Mikey from some time. I think it started around the bloody halloween, but I never wanted to accept it. I blamed it on my paranoia and my insecurities." She said letting herself fall on her back on the roof.

- "All these things are messed up, but you are her friend, Hyō, try to talk some sense into her. I can assist you if you want." Ryusei offered.

- "It's my mess." Hyō sighed. "Thank you, Ryusei." She said taking his hand.

- "Don't mention it." He kissed her hand.

The next classes, Mika was missing, Hyō got a bit worried and called her from Ryusei's phone, but she did not answered.

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