About last night (mature) (Bonten era)

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Mika cried almost all night in Hyō's arms while her friend tried to comfort her. Hyō started to think that maybe Mika needed special help given her situation. She used to see a therapist years ago, but as far as Hyō understood, Mika was only talking about her at the therapy sessions and refused to talk about herself, like her entire universe was spinning around Hyō. 

Hyō felt like the entire blood in her body just froze when she noticed a big black bruise on Mika's thigh right under the buttock. She gently grabbed the edge of Mika's pyjama shorts and move it a bit to see her skin better. Her entire butt was covered with bruises. Seeing this it became harder to breathe for Hyō, she felt like the anger was monstrously growing inside of her making her entire body tremble. She wanted to kill Mika's father right there and then, to torture him, to skin him alive. It was like all the horrors that she would subject him to would not be enough to pay for what he did to Mika. 

She got out of her room trying to think, but she could not calm herself down no matter how much she tried. Kill! Kill! Kill!  it was like a voice chanted inside her head, but she knew this was wrong. She sat on the floor for a moment holding her head that was about to explode in her hands crying, but suddenly the front door opened and her brother's silhouette appeared in the door frame. It was like an angel came down to earth for her. She jumped in her brother's arms and explained everything to him.

- "I see that we have two solution to all of this, it's up to you which one you choose: we either torture him to death, or report him to the police. I'll let you think about it on our way to the hospital. Mika needs medical attention." Wakasa said taking Mika's numb body covered in the blanket in his arms and transporting her to his car.

All this time Mika only looked lost in the distance, not even fully realising what is happening to her. Hyō laid Mika comfortable in the back seat, then she got to the right front seat next to her brother. She was very worried about Mika's state.

They explained to one of the doctors what happened to Mika and let the doctors take care of her.

- "So, what is your decision?" Wakasa asked his sister while they were smoking outside the hospital.

- "I'd say burn him alive, but I know that Mika wouldn't want this. I guess I'll file a police report against him. Maybe you can talk to his maids and use your charm to convince them to testify agains him." Hyō proposed.

- "Too bad, the guys you enjoy torturing that motherfucker." Her brother smirked.

Mika was admitted to the hospital for a few days while she would feel better, she was dehydrated and very weak since she did not eat anything for a few days. Hyō reported Mika's father to the police, also two of their maids filed a report agains him too. Momoka was shocked when Hyō informed her that her daughter was in the hospital and about what happened to her. She was so drunk all the time, that she had no idea what happened in her own house. The police investigation discovered a lot of other illegal activities that Mika's father was involved in. Momoka sobered up and decided to move back to her parents town for a while until Mika would feel better. Especially that the authorities seized her husband bank accounts and the big house they were living in. 

After she got better, Mika was furious with Hyō that she took decision without consulting with her first and refused to speak to her. But Hyō was happy that her friend was not anymore living in that mad house and that Momoka was getting better too. Mika's older brother moved back to his old apartment and was looking for a new job. This transition was not that hard for him since he did it before.

A few month later, Draken joined Brahman. It was announced during on of the gang meetings.

- "Hyō, it'd like it to be a secret for the moment." Draken told her after the meeting.

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