The White Leopard and his kitten

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Hyō was in her brother's gym doing her calisthenic exercises. Wakasa's gym was attended by different gang members as well as his old friends: Takeomi Akashi and Keizo Arashi. Three Valhalla gang members entered the gym looking around.

- "Hey, guys! You have to pay first!" The receptionist girl said to them following them.

- "Fuck off, bitch!" One of them pushed her away.

Hyō notice them and climbed down from the espalier, took her hood down and walked to them from the back of the room. Wakasa was already there cutting them off.

- "Apologise to her." He said looking at them bored.

- "White leopard, sir, we are not here for troubles, we are just looking for someone." One of them bowed in front of him.

- "This is not how you treat a lady. Take a break, Hiromi, sweetheart." He said to the receptionist.

- "We are here for the Black Cat of Toman." Another Valhalla members said pointing to Hyō who was now behind her brother.

- "Bold of you to come here for her." Wakasa smirked looking at them.

A few more guys from the gym stopped doing their exercises and were paying attention to the interaction between Wakasa and the 3 Valhalla guys.

- "You got it all wrong! We have no issue with her, we were sent by Valhalla's number 3, Kazutora Hanemiya, to bring her to a discussion. Keisuke Baji, the former captain of the First Division is also there." The guy said scared looking at the two Imaushi siblings.

They were not stupid, they knew the legend of the White Leopard, that was the reason why they were so humble in front of him.

- "I trust those two idiots...even if they deserve some beating." Hyō said stepping in front of them. "I will come with you."

- "Do not try anything funny, kids, I know who you are." Wakasa menacingly told them. 

- "Wait outside." Hyō commanded them and went to the locker room to take a quick shower and to change her clothes.

Wakasa went to the receptionist to comfort her and to make sure she was alright.

- "Imaushi, do you want me and my friends to follow those sons of bitches?" One of the guys who stopped exercising when they saw Wakasa and his sister interacting with the Valhalla members asked him.

- "No need. Hyō knows what she's doing. But thank you." Wakasa said.

- "Anything for the White Leopard and his kitten!" The guy smiled.

The boys from Valhalla were waiting on the parking lot on their bikes.

- "Man, those guys looked scary!" One of them said.

- "Stop being so scared, Daisuke!" Another one slapped his head.

- "He is right, you know? I doubt any civilians are going to this gym." The third one said. "Plus there was no other woman training there beside the Black Cat."

- "Look at those guys, they look like they are from Yakuza or something." Daisuke said gesturing with his head to two men who were leaving the gym.

Hyō exited the gym building and looked after the Valhalla guys. She waved at them and got on her motorcycle.

- "Lead the way, boys." She said when they arrived near her.

The guys admired her motorcycle for a moment then drove. After a short period of time, they arrived at an abandoned arcade game building with a headless angel drown on a wall. One of the guys gestured to Hyō to follow them inside.

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