The wedding (Bonten era)

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Hina stormed in the reception room dragging Takemichi after her. Hyō who was sitting at a table with Kazutora, Inui, Draken and Chifuyu turned to them and smiled seeing the confused look from Takemichi's eyes. He was back.

- "Uh..thank you for coming today. The clouds are not overcasting and it's ...uh..sunny." Pah-chin spoke agitated.

- "Are you doing a weather forecast?" Kazutora shouted amused.

Hyō chuckled.

- "Shut up! Pah-chin got his brain drained up!" Peh-yan yelled at Kazutora.

- "Peh-yan, you are always so noisy." Mistuya laughed.

- "Shut up, Mitsuya!" Peh-yan protested.

- "Peh-yan can't shut up..." Hakkai said.

- "You guys are all so noisy! I'll kill you all..." Smiley shouted.

- "Bog bro, you are the noisiest now." His younger brother told him.

- "Come on now, Pah-chin haven't even finished talking." Draken calmed them down.

- "You are all too mean to him, right, Takemichi?" Chifuyu asked looking at him. He noticed it too.

- "Good to see you back." Hyō smiled.

- "What's wrong?" Hina asked Takemichi seeing the tears in his eyes.

- "I just can't believe it..." he whispered.

Pah-chin was trying to cut the cake while his friends were rushing him to hurry and made jokes. Hyō was still at the table with Takemichi, Draken, Chifuyu and Hina.

- "We're putting on smiles! We've been waiting for 12 years. So what are you breaking down for?" Chifuyu asked him smiling.

- "This is crazy talk, but the fact that we are all alive today is thanks to you." Draken told him.

- "You were always our hero. Thank you, Takemichi!" Hyō said putting her left hand over his shoulders.

- "You are so cool, Takemichi. You saved so many lives." Hina said.

- "I wouldn't have succeeded alone. You guys helped a lot too." Takemichi said still crying. "Hyō were the one who saved my life."

- "Because your life was important...and not only because we are friends." She smiled.

Takemichi was updated with what happened with all of his friends and about their business and jobs.

- "Takemichi-kun, the day has finally come, I know you can make it." Naoto told him while they were outside the venue.

Takemichi hugged him tightly happy to see him alive.

- "Naoto! Long time no see!" Hyō smiled walking to them, but Naoto's face turned red and he avoided her gaze which surprised her.

What happened with Naoto? They were close, he was like a little brother for her, but that day he was acting a bit strange.

- "Are you ok, Naoto?" She asked a bit concerned.

- "Yes, I'm sorry, Hyō-sama!" He bowed in front of her which surprised her even more. It's been ages since he called her -san or -sama, she was just Hyō for him.

- "Sorry to disturb you guys, I just wanted to greet Naoto." She excused herself and left.

- "What's with you and Hyō?" Takemichi asked curious.

- "It's a bit awkward to have all the memories from the past timelines colliding inside my relationship with Hyō is different now. She watched over me and my sister while you were gone...she was like a older sister to me in this timeline..."

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