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Third person's pov:
1 month later:
I hit the back of the kitchen counter as a harsh slaps drops onto my face. A sharp gasp indicating the pain i felt leaves my moth while my feet try to stumble themselves. My body gains the strength to stand straight with my hands gripping the counter but it doesn't stays for long when another hard slap falls on my cheek.

"Don't touch me!"my voice comes out weak yet in a scream. Through my fallen sweaty locks i try to focus my eyes towards the devil standing in front of me. "I will touch what's mine baby and nothing can stop me from doing so"with a horrifying feeling inside me i try to run away but before i could do so he catches me,throwing me into the wall gratingly.

My body falls down onto the floor,not even having the strength to scream or yelp now. I just groan and look at the person standing above me,with an insidious grin illuminating his lips,making my insides turn upside down in terror. "Don't....leave...me alone"i try to stop him from wrecking me anymore as my tears wet my face.

"How dare you say no to me honey? Don't you remember how you loved it when i used to fuck you senseless before yumi was here? After she got here it became hard for us to love each other so i sent her back where she came from just to make you happy"

My lips quiver at his mad disgusting words. My heart ache at his heartless words. He was her father...the one who was supposed to protect her from any harm. My tears don't know any boundries as my whole body yelled in intense pain.

"You were...her father"my teeth grit together with all the loathe and force that was left in my,making him chuckle,bending onto my level. "I was,but i loved her mother better. She was just a nuisance to us baby and you know it"monster. A fucking monster. I gawk at his face with all the hatred in my entire body and not just heart.

"You're a fucking monster,fucking disgusting"i whisper these words at his face through my gritted teeth,making him laugh as he looks at something placed onto the kitchen counter. My eyes follow his and widen when i realise what worst possible thing he was thinking about. The screwdriver.

I try my best to gather up some leftover strength and crawl to get that away from him but he just drops a punch onto my face,a crack heard from my face making me scream in agony. Blood gushes down through my broken nose but i still try to crawl away from his incoming wrath.

"Oh baby,you can't go anywhere now"his sinister voice making me sob even more loudly,my heart thumping like it would come out anytime from my chest at the intensity of the fear that i was feeling at the very moment. My hair get pulled back and it felt like they were getting ripped off from my head.

"Let's end all the possiblities of you becoming a mother again,then let's fuck all you want honey"his words made me feel like the most fearful i ever felt in my life. My insides screaming to just vanish somewhere. A gradual scream leaves my mouth trying to get away from his grip and just run away somewhere,not letting him touch me ever again.

I couldn't ever think of the suffering he was going to make me go through. But my misery continued and after just sometime,my body layed in a pool of my own blood as my body was nearly teared open that i could feel my organs when i ran my hand over the wounded area. The amount of pain made my whole body go numb and to a gradual stop.

I glance at the man that was also laying on the floor at some distance with his stomach bleeding due to the knife that i had stabbed inside him while he was ripping me open with that damn screwdriver that was covered in my blood now.

I close my eyes,crying uncontrollably as my brain slowly starts to shutdown and darkness starts to dominate my vision. Am i going to just die? I really do hope so. My eyes close but a soothing,gentle voice rings in my ear,not letting me sleep. "Principessa"it felt like that voice was calling me but my name was not principessa.

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