Special: Celloween: A FLIGHT OUT OF CELL

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"Celloween?" Weiss read the title, confused.

"Is this supposed to be a Halloween special." Blaze asked, confused.

Theo nodded. "Yep."

"But it's not even my birthday." Ruby said, puzzled.

Sonic glanced at the scythe-wielder. "Your birthday is on Halloween?"


"Damn, you're lucky."

The scene opens on an outside shot of a hanger and then shows a man named Jackie Englund inside holding a gun and panting, surrounded by a bunch of bullet casings on the floor.

Wes: And here's George to tell us about the situation in Nicky Town!

George: Thank you, Wes! It is a regular Invasion of the Body Snatchers down here! In this Land of the Dead, who knows what Psycho is causing this massacre? 

"Fascists? Demons? Monkey aliens?" Nora questions. 

George: From Dusk Till Dawn from Crystal Lake to Elm Street, nobody is being Left Behind! If this Hellraiser slithers into your town, we suggest you Run Like Hell, find a Cabin In the Woods...and if anyone comes knocking, make you Let the Right One In...or you'll be Dead By Dawn!

"Were those horror movie references?" Sonic notices.

"Yes." Andy answered.

Cell crashes in through the ceiling, causing Jackie to scream and begins to open fire on the bio-android, with the bullets merely bouncing off Cell's chest. This goes on until Jackie runs out of ammo and Cell is not directly in front of him.

Jackie Englund: Oh, shi-- (slips on the bullet casings on the floor and fall down)

Cell stomps on Jackie's chest and stabs him with his tail.

George: Though there have been no eyewitnesses of the monster so far, here is a composite sketch of what our top experts believe the monster to look like!

The TV shows a very Freddy/Jason-like picture before Cell puts his foot through the screen.

"Wow, that's a really good sketch." Ruby comments.

"Basically the Frankenstein monster of horror movie monsters." Tails replies.

Cell: Goddamn 24-hour news cycle. (the camera shows a mother and son, Erin and Damien respectively, hiding nearby under a table, with the mother whimpering in fear) Hmm? (turns around towards the table) Mmm. Yeah... (starts walking over to the table) I want to play a game!

Most of the audience felt shivers run down their spines when Cell quoted those last words.

"This isn't Saw." Amy whimpers.

"I don't know what that is, so I'm assuming it's a horror film?" Jaune asked, shivering with fear.

"Celloween: A FLIGHT OUT OF CELL" appears on the screen.

We cut to Erin and Damien running away for their lives while Cell calmly walks after them. Damien then trips and falls on the floor.

Damien: I twisted my ankle!

We cut to Erin, now carrying Damien, running outside of the hanger until she trips on a slab and falls on the floor.

Erin: Ah! I twisted MY ankle!

"I'm guessing being clumsy runs in the family?" Spade deadpans.

"They're running away from a monster that drinks people with its tail." Lilac pointed out. "Of course they're gonna make a mistake in spite of their fear."

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