Erm another A/N

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I just got a laptop and now I am writing much much faster than I was on my tablet. TBH its a huge motivation booster. I am still getting used to the way this thing works and the different format of Wattpad so please bare with me!!!!

Thank you for being patient, and I hope you're all satisfied with this story as it is. I hate to say it (I kinda don't tho) but it's almost over. That means I can work on bigger and better stories that I actually plan out before writing. Also, I can go back and edit this story to make it more bearable for new readers which is nice (for them).

AND I really want to thank you guys for (almost) 10,000 reads!!!!!! I didn't expect to get anything over 10 when I began writing this, so it really feels surreal. 

Thank you all so very much for being awesome and reading.

See you in the next update!!!

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