Chapter Five

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The flight was canceled and a few hours later—after grueling fights at the front desk, demanding to be taken on the next flight, Ally found herself in a cramped hotel room.

It wasn't the best place. The bed could barely fit two people. Her carry-on almost didn't pass through the entrance and she had to hurl it onto the bed in order to close the door. But it was clean, which was what mattered at the end of the day. And free.

It was pretty late, and she was exhausted.

So, when she slumped onto the bed with a groan, she felt her phone ringing with an incoming call. She dragged it out and bit her lip.

Sliding her finger across the screen, she answered the call.

"Hello, hello," She started.

"Did you forget to text me when you boarded the plane?" The masculine voice rumbled from the other side. He sounded annoyed, which was nothing new. The irritation brought a sick smile to Ally's lips.

"Are you at the airport?"

"No," He growled. It was incredible how alike he sounded to a grumpy grandfather.

"Well, you suck at picking people up from airports," Ally couldn't help but tease. She was awaiting his answer. Ruffling with Alex's feather was the highlight of any day. He was so easy to annoy, it was amusing.

Anyone who met Alexander would find him offensive and rude. He was blunt and serious and stern. But then, you learned not to take his anger seriously and found joy in it. He was more bark than bite. He could act like any ogre, but he was far from it, he just wanted people to believe so—for some reason.

"I told you to pick me up at 8 PM," Ally announced.

"I told you to text me when you were boarding the plane, in case there was a delay."

"You didn't tell me that," Ally lied, muffling a laugh. He had told her as much—five times. He even texted her that morning. Twice. The guy was persistent.

"Stop annoying me, Allegra."

"Oh, on full names now? This must be serious."

"Where are you?" He brushed her off.

"Somewhere in North America, I'm not sure," Ally teased, snickering.

"I'm serious, Allegra."

"Sure, sure, Alexander."

"You know what? Never mind, I have too much work to do—"

Before he could hang up, Ally rushed to speak. "Wait!"


"At a hotel," She answered.

"You missed the flight. Great," His sarcastic voice spat. He wasn't angry, he was camouflaging his concern.


"Do us a favor and stay in California," He exhaled.

"And miss the opportunity to brighten each of your days? Never!" She smiled.

"You don't brighten them. You are another pesky cousin sabotaging all of my days."

"Wow, you must really miss me if you are this angry," When he didn't answer, declining it, Ally knew he must be pressing his lips in a tight smile, fighting back a grin. His smiles came seldom, but when you managed to pull one from him, it was rewarding.

This was the reason she liked to visit him and pester him during the day—the more she pushed his buttons, the more he fought back a smile, enjoying old barbs.

During the Thunderstorm (Natural Disaster) ✔Where stories live. Discover now