Chapter Forty-Eight

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"I feel like I should give you a quick debrief of everyone," Ally announced, walking hand in hand with Federico toward Alex's bar. "In case you forgot someone."

Fede arched an eyebrow. "I remember everyone clearly."

She crunched her nose. "You sure? We wouldn't want you mixing names."

He chuckled.

Honestly, he should have let her because she was nervous. Really nervous. This was the first time Federico was joining the group as her boyfriend. After everyone learned she was dating Fede, they were insistent on inviting him to one of the hangouts at Alex's bar.

Thankfully, it was drama-free. In the best sense. Cole cried a little from excitement upon learning the news, but that was Cole being himself. He was ecstatic that Federico was back in the group.

"But just in case," Ally said. "Cole is the crazy one. Alexander is my cousin and hates everyone, so don't take his glares personally."

He laughed.

"Hunter is pretty chill."

"I remembered that."

"And Rhys likes to surf and is a bit irresistible, so please don't fall in love with him."

"I'll try my best."

Ally narrowed her eyes at him. "You better." However, she couldn't keep her laugh in for more than a few seconds. Fede laughed next to her and once he sobered up, he stole a quick kiss from her.

"Fine. I'm sure I won't. I'm already in love with someone else. And very much taken."

She hummed with humor. "Cora is the artistic, quiet one."

He nodded. "And then there's Nina."

"Yeah, I don't think you need an introduction to her."

"I remember them all," He replied. "Don't worry."

They stepped into the bar which was surprisingly empty even though it was a Thursday afternoon. Alex was behind the bar, as usual, scowling at everyone. But when he glanced up at her, she was almost sure (she hoped) he was excited to see her.

Not her favorite cousin my ass.

"Well," Hunter was the first to turn around and greet them. "Glad you could finally meet us."

"The happy couple." Cole grinned wickedly. "When are the nuptials?"

"Cole!" Cora scolded him with a frown.

"Sorry," He cleared his throat, far from chagrined. "There's something very important first before the nuptials. A test Federico needs to pass before he can ask my permission to marry our adorable Allegra."

Nina rolled her eyes at her best friend's dramatics; however, Ally was too amused.

"Okay," Fede answered, full of confidence. Ally gave him a quick squeeze of the hand before she paid attention to whatever stupidity Cole came up with.

"Your answer needs to be honest and serious. This is not a laughing matter," Cole managed to say with a serious tone.


"If you could be a dessert, any dessert," Cole began with the most serious voice ever. It was a miracle he hadn't cracked at all. "What would you be? Not what dessert you like the most or your favorite one. What kind of dessert do you identify yourself with the most?"

Everyone blinked.

Ally snorted. "What?"

Nina gaped at him. "We were discussing desserts but I honestly don't have any idea where that came from..."

Cora giggled, shaking her head.

Cole frowned. "Coraline Jeannette!"

"What? That's not my middle name."

"Coraline Jeannette," Cole persisted. "This is not a laughing matter. This is serious."

Ally had to cover her face against Fede's chest while she tried not to laugh hard. She felt his chest vibrating from suppressed laughter too. She poked his stomach and whispered. "No laughing, Fede."

"For example," Cole said. "I'm explosive, irresistible, and loved by everyone. I'm definitely an exotic-flavored donut, maybe cookies and cream or red velvet. I mean, who doesn't love donuts?"

Nina scowled. "I thought you said you weren't allowed to pick your favorite dessert."

Cole shrugged. "It's not my fault my favorite dessert happens to represent me so well."

Ally muffled her laugh again. This was going to be torturous if she couldn't laugh openly at everything Cole was saying.

"Another example, Nina can be seen as threatening and weird, but when you get to know her, she could be a tiny bit sweet. Carrot cake."

"What?" Nina asked, offended. "I'm not sweet."

"Or Rhys," Cole ignored her and went on. "Love by every female on this planet. Chocolate. That's it. It can be as basic as that."

Rhys exhaled and rubbed his forehead. "Okay, I can see where he's going, though I don't agree with your description of me."

"This is stupid," Alex grunted.

"Or Alexander here is an old grandfather with soggy balls. Hard to digest. Licorice candy."

Ally couldn't hide it, her snort was loud and clear in the entire bar. Alexander narrowed his eyes at her.

"Yeah." She chuckled. "Nothing as clear as that."

"So," Cole said. "Federico —what was your last name?"

"Acosta." Ally smiled.

"Good thing you know your future last name. Allegra Katherine Acosta has a nice ring to it. Don't you think?"

Nina rolled her eyes and Ally shook her head.

"Federico Acosta, what dessert would you identify with?"

"Uh...I guess I would be a..." Fede hedged, looking at Ally.

"No cheating," Cole scolded.

"A muffin?"

"Any specific muffin?"

"Blueberry." At least he hadn't picked something disgusting with tea in it. He could have gone with anything Matcha-flavored.

Cole nodded in approval. "Okay. Cool."

"Did I pass the test?"

"You did. Whenever you are ready to ask for my permission to allow you to marry Ally."

Ally was going to ask Nina to avenge her.

Fede chuckled and squeezed Ally's neck. Then, he bent forward a stole a quick peck. When Ally looked up, she locked gazes with Nina who smiled back at her, clearly happy Fede and Ally had finally ended up together.

"That debrief you gave me earlier?" Ally broke stares with her sister to look up at Fede. "Next time explain it but with the desserts. It's clearer."

She nodded with a smile. "I will."

After they spent a laughing, slightly normal (really, how normal could it be when Cole was involved?) afternoon together, Ally and Fede left for his place. On the way there, she received a message.

Dad: I can't wait to see you, pumpkin. I can't wait to hug you. I miss you so much and I'm happy you're coming. Love with you all my heart.

A few days ago, as she and Fede were finalizing the details of the trip to South America and buying airplane tickets and renting a car, Ally confessed to her father her plans to visit him. She didn't think his reaction would be as zealous but she was glad it was as such.

With a hopeful heart, she was ready to face the future.

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