Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Hey!" Ally said, sounding breathless as Federico swung the door open. Her mouth was dry as she took him in.

Federico was shirtless.

Someone, pinch me.

Her mouth was slightly parted as she blinked at him. His biceps, shoulders, and pecs were in full display. His wonderful, sinus, muscular, and soft-looking biceps, shoulders, and pecs.

"Hey!" He grinned down at her and moved back to let her in. He looked over his shoulder for something. "Sorry, I'm all sweaty. I was working out."

Sorry about what? No apology necessary.

She entered his place, disappointed when he grabbed a shirt to cover his magnificence. "You worked out?"

"Yes, Ally." He stopped his movements. The shirt was a bundle in his hands. His eyes were on her.

"What do you do?"

"I like to go swimming. Sometimes I exercise here too. I have a few weights."

Hmm. That explains a lot.

She nodded as he remained staring at her with an amused face.

"What?" She questioned.

"No arm compliment today?" He teased.

She could fake annoyance and squint her eyes at him however, it was hard not to smile when he was grinning at her largely. "No." She bit her lip, fighting back her smile. Federico chuckled.

He looked so amazing and handsome without a shirt, messy hair, and sweat all over him.


It was hard to control her body when he was looking at her. The impulse to go over there and brush his bicep and chest was huge. Not to mention her desire to press their chests together. Without layers on. Skin to skin.

Her skin heated up, the hairs on the back of her neck prickling. A delicious, scalding liquid swooshed in her tummy and down her legs. She felt wet between her thighs.

She wondered what it would feel like to be under him. All that body, pressing her down, unwilling to let her go. His arms caging her and his lips trailing over her flushed skin, up her collarbone, neck, and finally her mouth.

She would open her mouth for his hot tongue. And moan. Loud. And then his hips would ground against—

No. No. No.

Just. No.

She wasn't going there. She shouldn't be going there. He was her friend, for duck's sake. And here she was, fantasizing about lots of things.


Someone needed to control her.

She scowled and exhaled, looking away from him because she was sure he could figure out her thoughts. "No compliment for you. You are all sweaty." Her tongue was tied. The words were coming out like a choke. "Maybe after a shower."

"Okay." He laughed as he moved to his bedroom. "There are a few snacks in the pantry if you want anything to eat. And I have a few sodas too."

She nodded without glancing at him as she moved to sit on his kitchen island to study. She needed to focus on that. Not on other things.

Ally felt him leave the room and she was able to breathe a bit better. However, when she felt his shower on, her back tensed. He was in there. Naked.


She ought to stop thinking about anything. Someone should bleach her brain so she could halt thinking of water rolling down Federico's back.

Ugh. So annoying.

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