Chapter Forty-Six

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Ally caved in again, but in her defense, she needed the caffeine to survive. Federico just happened to also want to join her in her caffeine quest.

When she arrived at Lutto, Federico was waiting for her by the entrance. His hands were shoved into his front pockets.

Her heart stopped when she saw him. It didn't matter how many times she saw him, he always managed to take her breath away and stop her heart.

With shivering legs, she approached him and gave him a tight smile.

"Hey," She made a move before he would kiss her, and she gave in, breaking down the walls she'd been putting around her. Her arms moved around his waist as she pressed their bodies together.

It wasn't her best idea. Upon sensing his strong body against her, her stomach twirled in desire and her head turned dizzy. Whenever he was around, it was hard to remember why she should keep him at arm's length. Her traitorous body longed for nothing but to be wrapped around his, naked.

Fede returned her hug hard and planted a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Hey," he whispered. When he made a move to start kissing her neck and jaw, she pushed away and smiled weakly at him.

He gave her a funny look but didn't comment on her avoidance. Instead, he grabbed her hand and led her to the cashier to order their food. Thankfully he ordered her usual black coffee and his tea.

She rolled her eyes at him when he did so, and he chuckled. It felt normal and natural for a second there, teasing each other.

They waited for the drinks and took their usual table at the back for more privacy.

"So, how's everything been going?" He asked upon taking his seat in front of her.

She shrugged. "Good."

"Lots of study?"

She nodded.

He hummed. "Finally, you're studying, I swear I haven't seen you read a book for more than five seconds."

She narrowed her eyes at him. As if he could talk, he'd been the same. But it was because the two of them together couldn't focus on anything else but each other. It was impossible. Federico was the biggest attraction to her mind.

He took a sip of his tea, soaking her in. She shuddered under his perusal but didn't say a word.

Actually, she should be asking him about his departure to LA. In reality, she couldn't stomach it, if she thought too much about it, she might puke.

"So," Fede began again. "Crazy Beats, everything okay?"


"You sure?" He narrowed his eyes at her, waiting for her answer.

She felt hot under his gaze but managed to nod. "Yep." She forced a small smile and took another gulp of her coffee to avoid any conversation but ended up scalding her mouth.

Excellent, she wouldn't be able to taste food for the entire day. Just what she needed to ruin her day.

"The fact that you are not complaining about the nickname says otherwise."

She shrugged nonchalantly. "It might be growing on me," She confessed which wasn't a lie. It was special, different. and something related close to his heart.

"Ah." Fede gasped in satisfaction, a small grin spreading across his face. He relaxed a bit at her confession. "So you finally admit that I'm incredible at picking nicknames."

"No," She scoffed. "Just this one nickname. Refrain yourself from picking nicknames ever again."

As she teased him, she felt like old times when they joked around but there was still a tangible tension between them. Back then was their attraction for each other and the impossibility to act on it. Right now, was their impending rupture.

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