Chapter Fifteen

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"You're not what I expected when I first saw you."

The confession took Rhys by surprise as he arched an eyebrow and glanced from the corner of his eye at the petite brunette with big eyes.

They had been walking in silence for a few minutes under the night sky. Everything would be romantic if only Rhys found himself with someone he actually liked. Not felt a simple attraction that didn't go beyond.

He cleared his throat and swallowed. "Really? What did you expect?"

The girl shrugged as she gave thought to her words. "Someone meaner, maybe. Cocky and full of himself."

Rhys frowned. Was this a compliment?

Out of all of his dates, this was edging to be among the weirdest ones. Edging being the key word, because last year, he went on a date with a girl who kept joking about stalking all night long, and up until tonight, he wasn't sure whether she was joking or not.

He shuddered and looked over his shoulder. When he saw no one, he relaxed a bit.

"But I'm so glad you turned up to be different. Someone really sweet," The brunette smiled up at Rhys, and he felt as if he had swallowed his heart.

He could say the same about her. On first impression he believed he could be interested but as he got to know her, every damn illusion was squashed like a cockroach. Without mercy at all.

"What was your first impression about me?" the girl asked, and Rhys tensed. Two balls of muscle settled over his shoulders like rocks.

Damn. He hated lying.

He rubbed the back of his neck, thoughtful. And also to buy him some time.

This is what I get for asking out every damn girl that catches my eye.

"I thought that you were reserved and quiet," He said, which wasn't technically a lie. But it was a far cry from what he wished to say.

"And what about now?" She turned with a flirty smile, fishing for compliments Rhys was reluctant to give.

Now I want to go home or to Alex's bar and drink myself to sleep because this is not working. At all.

Christ. No wonder his friends believed him an asshole.

Sure, she must have plenty of attributes but none of them were appealing to Rhys because he hadn't noticed them. Instead, he spent half the night comparing this brunette girl with another brunette girl. And how different both of them were and how much he wished they weren't.

He was going to hell.

Absolutely no doubt there. The chances were 101%. No salvation or redemption for him, he was screwed.

"Extrovert," He answered because apparently that was a compliment and the brunette hadn't shut up one second the entire night and had been disclosing a lot of really personal facts, Rhys was a bit traumatized.

Her lips twitched into a large beam, satisfied with the answer.

Yes, he was going to hell.

He sighed as they continued walking.

During the walk, Rhys might or might not have shoved his hands in his pocket to avoid another unwelcome hand grabbing.

The night was oozing with energy, the energy from the girl wanting to chat a bit more and the energy from Rhys wishing for the night to end.

The fact that he was ready to balk after only one date said a lot. Normally, he waited until the fifth or sixth date before he broke up with the girl. First dates were awkward and shouldn't be a decisive point on whether you liked the person or not. You barely got to know them.

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