Chapter Seven

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Ally wanted to bury herself six feet underground if she could.

Or she could dig her hole and ask for someone to bury her. It would probably take her quite a while to cave six feet, but with the headache and discomfort she was sporting, she didn't believe she would finish digging any day. Probably never.

Then, she had to think of Plan M at this point, which consisted of finding someone who could dig her hole, and then bury her, all while she nursed the worst headache in history.

She hadn't drunk that much. In fact, she was sure she was barely tipsy by the end of the night. Or morning, since Federico decided it was time to go back to the hotel around five in the morning. Just in time to brush their teeth, take a shower, and change to go to the airport. Separately, of course.

But it was the mix of different factors that caused her head to detonate with the slightest move.

One, the tequila. Two, the lack of sleep. Three, no coffee for Ally to wake up and work properly. She didn't understand how she managed to get to the airport. Four, no food yet. Not since they ate a meager portion of chicken wings.

Ally's headaches were infamous, caused by three reasons—hunger, exhaustion, or sickness.

No wonder she was about to slap her face across each wall she encountered, her stomach was twisted in a ball and her legs barely managed to carry her anywhere. Her spine was curved unable to hold her weight from exhaustion.

As she marched across the airport, she had planned to stop at the first coffee shop or cafeteria or coffee machine she could find to buy a nice cup of coffee and something greasy and substantial to eat. Perhaps something cheesy and very salty. Thinking about it made her mouth water and her stomach grumble loudly, some people had cast her worrying looks.

But anywhere she passed, it was either closed or didn't serve what she craved. Which sucked, if anyone wondered.

Then, she moved to the next plan which consisted in arriving at the waiting area and catching some sleep before boarding.

The waiting area was a bit busy, but she could find a nice spot to slump. She rolled her carry-on next to a row of empty seats and dropped herself into the first seat she found. She bent over her knees and grabbed her forehead, groaning.

If she didn't fall asleep soon, she'd start hallucinating.

When she lifted her head and stared ahead, she saw Federico walking toward her. She must be already hallucinating because he looked fresh and rested. His delicious body was wrapped in a tight sweater and jeans, each muscle straining with every step. His hair was a bit wet from the shower.

She gulped when she saw him taking a sip of something from a cup.

His eyes wandered across the room, looking for something. Then, they landed on her, and Ally felt the need to straighten her shoulders. A small smile twitched his lips as he moved toward her.

"Hey," he greeted her, nodding at the seat beside her. "Is it taken?"

She narrowed her eyes at him. The audacity of showing up here like he hadn't spent the last eight hours drinking in a bar, getting no sleep, and rushing to the airport.

The nerve! No shame. No sympathy for anyone.

"I hate you," She said as soon as she opened her mouth, scowling at him.

He wasn't perturbed by her grimace. If anything, he was amused by her miserable state caused by his truly. He did not know shame.

His shoulders shook in silent laughter as he ignored her jab and took the seat next to her. He leaned over and she had to hold her breath. He smelled incredible, his powerful cologne invading every space. Her heart pulsed when his green eyes sobered up and studied her.

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