Chapter Thirteen

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Ally returned to the café the next day.

Definitely not because she had seen Federico the previous day and was hoping to see him again and talk a bit more, or to check if it was a real chance encounter.

Definitely not for any of those reasons. Pfff.

Who would even assume that she missed him even though it'd been a few hours since they'd last hung out in this café? That's right, no one.

She was back there because she loved their coffee and the ambiance, and she studied there almost every day so technically it was a routine she had established for a long time and was hard to get over it, and—

Her eyes landed on Federico as soon as she stepped in. Her heart stopped. At the surprise, of course. She didn't expect it.

He was sitting in the same place as yesterday. His head was hunched over, as he studied over a large pile of pages. His eyes moved quickly over them. His mouth mumbled words, reading under his breath.

Ally was a bit intrigued by what he was reading. What had him so engrossed, that he wasn't aware of the whereabouts.

Or that was what she thought until he glanced like he was sensing her heavy stare on him. His green eyes collided with her, and they sparkled with recognition. The simple reaction lightened up his face.

His chin lifted and his mouth curled into a soft smile. An inviting grin.

Something settled within her as she returned the smile and approached him. Her bag was slung over her shoulder as she dodged the tables until she reached the end of the café.

Ally hadn't noticed it before, but it looked like it was more secluded and separated than the other tables. A bit more private.

Once she reached him, she eyed his drink and shook her head. "Don't tell me you came back because of the sewer water."

A low chuckle escaped him. The rumble traveled down her arms and thighs. "I needed more caffeine," he started. "I stayed up all night."

She raised her brows in surprise. As she studied him, she realized he was tired. There were bags under his eyes, and he blinked fast every other second. It was interesting seeing how last time he slept a total amount of 5 minutes and managed to look incredible at the airport. "Lots of studying?" She asked as she remembered the large pile of books he was carrying the other day. She cringed at the thought.

She had distracted him. She had stayed and talked to him as he tried to study. But he had asked her to stay. He wanted her there.

Still, she felt a bit guilty and wondered if it was better if she left him alone. Pick another table, perhaps...

"Not really," He answered without giving much hint of what he wished.

"Then doing what?" She wondered. "Wait, let me guess, puking your guts because of the black tea."

"Charming," He chuckled under his breath and shook his head. "No. Tea makes me sleep like a baby and it is good for the stomach. You should try it."

She crunched her nose. "I think I rather have a chaotic stomach and three hours of sleep."

"And expose society to your crankiness?"

She narrowed her eyes at him. She might have been a bit grumpy the next morning in Dallas, but in her defense, she hadn't slept a blink. And she didn't have coffee, how did he expect her to survive? Honestly, there were miracles but not this kind.

He laughed.

"Rest assured, Fede," She began. "I don't leave my house without coffee. I'm not that cruel."

During the Thunderstorm (Natural Disaster) ✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant