Chapter Forty-Two

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Cora threw her head back and enjoyed the sun, the beach, the waves, and the sound.

There was a time when she barely left her house. She was gripped with fear, she didn't live. Until one day, it took a toll on her, this constant fear.

She wasn't in this world to live with fear. She was here to experience life.

She had learned the hard way that avoiding emotions came with more issues.

Though she now knew all of these things, some days it became hard to apply them. But it was part of learning.

One step every day. She reminded herself. The mantra that managed to change her life and calmed her whenever anxiety got the better of her.

She took a deep breath in and bit her lip as she continued drawing and painting.

She loved coming to the beach to paint.

It was always different. Never the same waves, never the same sunset or sunrise. Never the same people. Nothing the same, even though she drew from the same spot, the beach, the ocean, and a dark-haired guy surfing.

As familiar as it seemed, each time you could learn something new.

Like how funny Cole looked when he strutted across the beach like a supermodel.

"Well, well, well," Cole said as he approached Cora. Nina was behind, rolling her eyes.

"No one is buying your running act," She said, annoyed and Cora laughed despite her nerves increasing.

He had caught her drawing again.

Ever since he noticed it, he had thrown some teasing remarks here and there, no one had caught up with them yet; but one day they might understand them, and Cora would be beyond embarrassed if Rhys learned she had a weird obsession with drawing him without his acknowledgment.

It was bad he was highly coveted by women. He didn't need another new girl crushing on him badly. Someone close to his group of friends, for that matter.

"Yeah. I figured there was something stiff and practiced about that running," Cora said, hoping to keep the conversation from her weird obsession.

Cole gasped. "I understand the envy coming from Nina. I'm flawless and she can't help but find it annoying since she can't copy it. But you, Cora? You, the one with the pure heart and intentions? I'm disappointed."

Cora shrugged and laughed. "Sorry, but something is wrong with that running. I'm just saying it with my pure heart and good intentions."

"Yes, quit it," Nina says.

"Can't. I happen to run this dramatic and spectacular."

Nina snorted, rolling her eyes. "Only when it comes to the beach."

"I happen to be inspired when we get close to the beach. The oxygenated water enhances my lungs to perform better," Cole explained with such conviction, that you could almost believe him. But if there was a rule out there, it was to never believe in half of what Nicholas Winston uttered.

"Don't even listen to him. Weird coincidence that he decides to act ridiculous when we reach the beach, and some freshmen are taking the sun. Oxygenated water my ass," Nina said, annoyed.

"Not a coincidence," Cole added. "Right, Cora, we don't believe anything is a coincidence."

Cora nodded, starting to feel more relaxed. "That's correct."

"The girls are meant to be there and melt under my irresistibility. It is how the universe wants it. No coincidence, only universal law."

Nina shook her head and Cora laughed hard. The logic of this guy was unparalleled.

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