Chapter Fourteen

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Ally liked to consider herself as someone who needed routines to survive. She went to study from Monday to Wednesday at the café Lutto's near her campus in order not to fail at life and die. She had to fall asleep around midnight and sleep three hours—as her body was used to. The next morning, she needed to drink at least two cups of coffee in order to think and not fall and die.

And she very much needed to join her friends every Thursday evening to discuss trial stuff at Alex's bar, along with a cold Margarita. Because she needed to decompress and not have a stress attack and die, of course.

All her routines involved her not dying.

So, when she entered the bar that Thursday evening, she felt at home when she heard Cole scolding everyone.

"You all are going to die alone," He announced, shaking his head in disappointment. He pressed his lips and blinked back at Alex, who frowned and glared at Cole.

Ally knew what was coming next. Cole complained about it every few months and it went pretty much the same each time, saved for new additions of how to solve the issue.

"What?" Alex asked in annoyance as he returned back to the left side of the bar where the group was seated. Her cousin was very much over the conversation and being chastised every other week.

"Dude, seriously?" Cole asked in disbelief, nodding at someone over Alex's shoulder. "That girl was making eyes at you. She was basically asking you for something, for any sign, even smoke signs, anything. And you do nothing? Are you blind? What's wrong with you?"

As expected, Alex remained glaring at Cole and grunted, uninterested.

This happened every single time, and every single time, Ally cracked up a small smile as she took a barstool between Rhys and Hunter.

"Have I taught you nothing?" Cole demanded in surprise as if this was the first time they were having this conversation and it was all news. When Alex refused to answer, Cole exhaled dramatically. "I need to find new friends," He massaged his forehead.

"New friends or new wingmen?" Nina wondered, leaning over the bar and swirling her straw before taking a sip of her Mojito.

"Both," Cole said.

"Good luck finding someone who can withstand you," Alex grumbled, cleaning the bar with a red cloth. Ally smiled at him, giving her best I-want-a-Margarita-thank-you grin, but Alex only narrowed his eyes at her. He was being surlier than usual.

"Good point, not many people can support this amount of awesomeness. Okay, okay, we need to fix this, then. You"—he pointed at Alex—"need to start going out more and actually socializing, no more terrorizing with the frown. Not attractive. Girls might like brooding but not murderous. Or constipated, in case that's what you're working for."

"No," Alex deadpanned.

Ally snorted. "Constipated? That's the best description I've heard so far," Cole winked at her in amusement as she continued to laugh. "Alex! You should've told me. Flax seeds and prunes are excellent for digestion, you know. I'm sure Cora can show you some yoga poses to allow your internal flow to—"

"No Margarita for you!" Alex frowned.


"No," He answered and pointed at Cole like the furious parent he pretended to be. "And no more beer for you either."

"So sensitive," Cole muttered under his breath and shook his head. Once he recovered, he pointed at Hunter. "Moving on. You, bro, need to act on it this time. You need to tell Eloise everything. And I mean everything. Even your hair collection of her."

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