Chapter Eight

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Flying was finally over, and Ally couldn't wait to be gone from the airport fast enough.

She needed to sleep, eat food, and shower. She didn't know in which order, though. She only knew she had to get home, and soon.

The problem was how to get there.

She had a small hope she could get Alex there. Maybe she could guilt-trip him into coming to the airport. Or she could always threaten him or bribe him. There was something she could do.

Like the fool she was, she retrieved her phone from her pocket and dialed her cousin as soon as the plane touched the ground and she was able to turn off Airplane Mode.

She shot the old lady one tight smile; thankful she had a reason for the old lady to stop talking and called Alex fast. She prayed he'd answer.

It rang a few times before he answered.

"The plane left you," That was the first thing that came out of his mouth.

"Thank you for the vote of trust," Ally said, sounding exhausted.

"Why else would you call me?"

"Because I decided to brighten your day earlier!" She smiled, already picturing Alex frowning at the phone in distaste.

"In that case—"

Before he could hang up, Ally shouted at him. A bit too loud from the annoyed looks people cast at her as she raised from her seat and attempted to take down her carry-on. "Wait! I'm kidding. Well, no but—"

"What is it?" Alex asked, sighing.

"Here I was hoping you have changed your mind."

"About what?" She almost didn't hear him as she struggled to walk down the aisle and get off the plane (finally!). Her phone was smashed between her shoulder and ear as she carried her carry-on with one hand and her bag with another one.

"Picking me up at the airport."

He didn't hesitate. He didn't even think about it. His answer was fast and thoughtless. "No."

"Come on," she began, opting for guilt first. She had to convince him somehow. "Don't you feel sorry for your favorite cousin? She had a traumatizing trip."

"Why are you talking in the third person?" He questioned.

"Because I'm traumatized, as I said before," She said, trudging down the corridors of the busy airport. How could it be this busy at this hour? Didn't people sleep or do something better than take a flight at nine in the morning? "At least you admitted I'm your favorite cousin. Don't worry, I won't tell Nina."

"Thank you," He didn't sound grateful, and Ally smiled. She knew better.

"Please, Alex. Take pity on me, for once. You know I hate flying. And I'm not going to lie, this was one of the worst flights ever. I was seated next to this old lady. She was kind, I swear, but she wouldn't shut up for a second and she spat all over my face, I have to wash my face once I get home."

"Sounds like a nightmare," Though his tone was deadpan, she had described his nightmare. Alexander was an enigma. For such an introverted person who disliked parties, social events, or talking to anyone; he was quite popular. It was his belonging to the basketball team and association with Hunter. However, Ally couldn't understand it, since she was sure Alex didn't know half of his teammates' names, much less about the other half crowd that vied for his attention.

"It was. So, would you be a good cousin and come and pick me up?" She had to ask, hoping she had moved him.


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