Chapter Forty-Seven

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Okay. It's not the end of the world.

Ally was ready—sort of—to discuss Federico's job and their impending breakup. She needed to breach the topic of being just friends once he left for LA.

She was following her sister's advice.

Nina was right. Communication was key and Ally knew if she kept pushing Federico away, she would end up losing him entirely and that was something she couldn't accept. She couldn't imagine losing him as a friend too. It would kill her. She would regret it without needing to look back on time.

So, they needed to talk.

They were going someplace. Ally wasn't sure where. Fede was going on and on again about surprises, so she allowed it. At first, she wanted to go in separate cars but he insisted he would pick her up.

Actually, he had demanded. He'd given her no other choice.

She couldn't do much about it, she didn't know where they were going.

She waited for him to text her he had arrived when her doorbell rang. With a frown, she opened it and was surprised to find his tall frame invading the entrance.

"Oh, hey!" She smiled. "You should have texted me you've already arrived. I could have gone down."

Fede smiled sweetly at her and bent over to kiss her. Her heart began to pound hard as she lowered her head and wrapped her arms around his waist instead, in an embrace. His lips landed on her hair.

"It's good to see you," Ally commented.

He grunted. It was the first time he hadn't shown any excitement at seeing her.

Fuck, no. Please.

She hoped she hadn't pushed him too far away until she had lost him.

She moved away to give him a brilliant smile, one she didn't feel at all, and it wavered when she witnessed his frown.

It was so weird seeing Federico with a scowl. It felt unnatural and Ally wanted to say something silly to erase it.

Before she could come up with something, he stepped back and crossed his arms. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No," She answered quickly. Her pulse raced at his dissatisfaction. "Come on, let's go." She grabbed his hand and tugged it to uncross his arms. She guided him down to his parked car.

She squeezed his hand before letting it go and climbing into the car.

"So," she began, drumming her fingers against her thigh. "Excited for the new job?"

"I am." His tone was uninterested and short. He clenched his jaw and his hands tightened around the stirring wheel as he drove them out of the neighborhood.

"When do you fly to LA?" Ally gulped, feeling hot.

She was going to miss him so much. She could go and visit him, but flying to LA wasn't cheap. And then, she would have to take two flights because she was too scared to fly in one. However, she was willing to do that, to face her fear, if it meant seeing and spending time with Federico.

Fede sighed for some reason. "The fifteenth."

Her eyes widened. "Next month?"

He nodded.

In two weeks.

Her heart sank.

"You have everything ready?"


Of course he had. He was marvelous at planning trips.

However, she wondered when he was planning on discussing them. Was he waiting until the last minute?

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