Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Federico: Hey!

Federico: Want to hang out today?

Ally: Sorry.

Ally: I can't.

Ally: Another day?

Federico: Sure...

* * *

Federico: Hey.

Federico: Found this place that sells nice taquitos and quesadillas.

Federico: Wanna go?

Ally: Sorry.

Ally: Just saw the message.

Ally: Next time?

Federico: Sure.

* * *

Federico: Are you at Lutto?

Ally panicked when she received the message, battling whether to tell him the truth (of course she was at the café. What else did she do with her time besides procrastinating and drinking unhealthy amounts of coffee?) or lie and tell him she wasn't at Lutto and pack her things and run as fast as she could from the place.

But she figured she needed to face this. And by facing it, she meant pretending the best kiss ever never happened and returning to a frustrating friendship in which she fantasized about him but couldn't do anything about it.

She had to vanish the feeling of his lips against her. Somehow.

She might have been spending the last few hours searching for psychologists and magicians or neuroscientists who were willing to experiment with her brain and erase memories.

Sounded like a sound plan.

However, before she could really decide if today was the day she was facing Federico and the situation, his deep voice resounded from behind.

"Ally." It was raspy and delicious, and she'd missed his voice so much, it was unfair.

Her body tensed and the hairs on her arms perked up. His voice was soothing and familiar. She turned around to face him.

Her heart alone was causing a disaster in her entire body, beating rapidly, and flushing her cheeks.

Her mind wasn't helping at all, as her eyes cataloged every inch of his lean, tall body, and she remembered how it felt to be pressed against that.


Sabotaging organs. If she could, she would get rid of them. Donate them or something.

She forced a smile on her face. It wasn't hard since she loved being in his presence. But she wanted the easiness back without having to spell it out. Her brain was playing repeatedly their kiss in her mind rent-free, making everything strained.

"Hey," She answered with a nonchalant, friendly tone. She didn't move to stand up and hug him as usual. Her arms were aching to wrap around him. Knowing her, once she was in close contact with him, she might do something stupid and kiss again. So, no hug for her today. Or in the near future. Not unless she finally schooled her body and mind.

He gave her a soft smile that warmed up her insides as he took a seat in front of her.

The table was small. And he was so large, cramped up in that seat, their legs brushed before he accommodated them. His were outside, encasing her legs.

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