Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Allegra arrived with a ticklish energy to the café the next Monday.

There was a bounce to her step as she approached the register.

She gave a bright smile to the barista. "Hi, can I have a large black coffee, please?"

Her eyes lifted to the large menu board on the wall and read it. The plan was to buy Federico one of his sewer waters. However, on second thought, she decided against it. The guy needed to sharpen his tastes.

"A Chai tea latte too," She added. And when she moved to pay, her eye caught something. "And this chocolate." She grabbed it and raised it.

Once she paid, she moved down the line, waited for her drinks, and picked the closest table to the entrance, in case Federico arrived and didn't see her.

She didn't have to wait long. Federico's large and muscular frame appeared and stopped. His green eyes scanned the room. When they settled on her, they brightened, and a large grin crossed his handsome face.

Her heart halted for a second before she returned the gesture.

As he made his way toward her, towering over everyone while keeping his eyes on her, her breath hitched. He looked on a mission, willing to do anything to reach her.

Once he did, he stopped and smiled down at her. Soft. No words were needed as they locked gazes.

"Hey," he muttered.

His low voice was sweet and sensual. The hairs at the back of her neck rose. She swallowed and replied. "Hey."

Hey there. I'm so happy you are here because I kind of miss you a lot during the weekend and even before that. And I'm so glad we are hanging out again because I love to chat with you. And is it weird to say that you brighten my day?

It was probably really weird to say that. All of that. She kept quiet.

However, she couldn't deny she felt hot and giddy as Federico watched her. He was studying her, memorizing the latest version he had of her. Like he was keeping it safe in his head, locked up.

A while passed. Ally could continue looking at him but knew it would be creepy. She cleared her throat and looked down. "I bought you these."

She pushed the Chai tea and the chocolate. Federico's brow raised in surprise. "You bought me tea?"

"In my defense, it is not sewer water. My good conscience wouldn't allow it. This one at least has milk in it, I'm sure it is not as tasteless as the other." She scrunched her nose as he laughed. "Anyway, it is a thank you for the other night. For picking me up. And letting me sleep in your bed even though I asked for the car seat instead."

He pushed the empty seat back and sat. "It's a pleasure. Call me any night and I'll be there."

The statement melted something inside her. Was he trying to burn her up? He needed to stop, or she would disintegrate.

"And this is the chocolate I owed you. From Dallas."

"Ah. So, she admits my services were excellent."

She nodded. "Right. Mediocre distracter, good DD, and excellent mattress selector."

"Always aiming to satisfy." He grinned, picking up his chocolate bar, opening and splitting it in half before giving her the other half. She shook her head but when he remained in position, she exhaled and took it. The chocolate was amazing. No regrets.

She hummed after she finished and gave a nod. "Yes, excellent chocolate."

"Superior," He said as he stared at her.

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