Chapter 25: The shores of Mistral

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Kahn's pov

    I had spent the last month traversing the ocean floor on my way to Mistral. I encountered quite a few fish faunus that lived down here with their own settlements. That was honestly really amazing to find out. Hell, I even got an underwater map by trading two sharks I had recently caught. Man, this map has some real crazy detail, it even covers a good amount of the surface which will help me on my way to finding the white fang headquarters.

    I'm currently walking along an underwater roadway. Turns out they have these really big seahorses pull these odd carts made out of coral to where they need to go. I was helping a local kelp farmer return home with the money he made. Turns out they use crystals as currency down here. While I don't need them I still took the farmer up on his offer since his village is close to a small fishing village on the coast of Mistral. I also get some of these crystals as a souvenir. Can't wait to show Ruby them....

    I don't understand why but I just can't get her out of my head recently. I just keep thinking back to the dance and her smile and how it gives me this weird ache in my chest. I still really don't understand what I'm feeling.

    We make it to the farmer's village safely and he hands me three green crystals in the shape of circular coins and two red crystals that are rectangular. Another thing that I found out while down here is that the people hear all speak draconic which also let find out that I could speak the language completely fluently as if I had used it my whole life which I know that I haven't. I didn't even know that draconic was even a language until  I encountered the first under water village not to far off from patch. I also find it surprising that no one on land has even heard of these villages and settlements. It's seems like this a whole entire kingdom hidden from the surface. The most surprising thing I found out was when I entered the first of many cities down here. There was a shark faunus that had a shark tail instead of legs and a shark face as well as a back fin. Turns out that shark faunus was a beast mage. It was interesting to meet someone else that can use magic even though their magic effected the underwater fluara and fauna, while mine is more weather oriented. I spent a whole week in that city getting to talk about magic and theories on how it works. Now that I think about it I never got their name.

    I'm snapped out of my thoughts as I find myself breach the water and make my first few steps on dry ground for the first time in a month. I felt a shiver go up my spine when I feel the cool air hit me since I'm drenched in water. I take a deep breath in and end up coughing up some water. I activate my aura and use it to get all the water off of me. I feel my clothes dry quickly as I do this making the chill air less of a problem. I look around and see the fishing village so I walk up to it so I can get some directions.

    The first thing I notice is that the village is abandoned. Buildings are in ruins and I can see rotting corpses. Shit. Guess I'm not going to get any directions now. As I'm looking around to see if I can figure out what happened. From what little evidence I can find it looks like the village was attacked by people and then grimm came. Fun, just fun.

    I would take the time to bury the bodies but I can't risk getting sick so I walk a good distance away from the area and start firing lightning bolts into the ruined village. I watch as multiple fires start. Good thing this village was built on a beach else I would have to worry about the fire spreading to where it shouldn't. I pull out the map I got from the fish faunus and try to figure out where I am. So I was there... and then I came here.. so I need to head... northeast. I look at the sky and see that it is just about midday. I won't make it to another village before dark but I should be good thanks to my constitution to be able to go for at least three days minimum before I need to take a break and rest. Alright the hunt for information and the white fang headquarters starts now.

Author's note

Sorry for the shorter chapter but I just want to give a heads up that this journey Kahn is on takes place a good few months before the start of volume four.

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