Part 123

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There are already so many people there, even more than last year. Celine hesitates and Rene urges her forward. "I tried to warn you that there are a huge number of guests." "I know. I guess I just didn't expect this many. I had this idea in my head of it ... being more intimate despite the numbers." Her brow furrows and Rene watches her swallow. He takes her hand again to guide her through the crowds of people and into the center of the huge ballroom. It doesn't take long for all of Rene's children to find them. He hugs them and Celine does the same, catching up. "Oh, Jean-Pierre, I'm so happy to see you making a full recovery." Celine gushes. "My girlfriend hasn't given me much choice! She makes me drive safely, keeps me doingstretches, everything." Celine laughs at his son's joke and Rene feels a slight stab of frustration. He wants to hold her close, wants to take care of her, wants to keep her laughing and smiling. His attention is drawn to Anne-Marie and her boyfriend as well as well as Patrick and his girlfriend. Everyone catches up as Rene introduces to Celine to the rest of the tight-knit group. Celine insists on remaining informal despite everyone trying to call her "Miss Dion". Rene knows this is a lot. Everyone wants to say help, mingle, catch up, but Celine really gives his children time, listens to them, makes the effort to bond with them in a way that he'd never expected of anyone. When the dinner buffet is offered, Rene discretely keeps Celine close. She groans. "Oh, itsmells so good." "It tastes even better." Rene teases. "You tasted before you booked?" Celine guesses?

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