Chapter 1

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Chapter One.

"Stylesssss! Put me down!" Pounding on Harry's back. Where is he taking me? I thought for a moment.

"Where are you taking me, I demand to know Styles! " laughing as his grip tightens.

"I'm showing you something, Mia. Calm down we'll be there in a moment." Harry's voice serious.

Why are we heading to his house? Oh well. I'll just have to wait and see.

I just let my body go limp as Harry walked along the sidewalk. Before I knew it we're at Harry's house.

"Happy birthday baby!" Anne said walking out from behind a black Range Rover.

Harry sat me down, his face was gleaming with joy.

"Thanks, mummy! Is this really mine?" I laugh at his choice of words. "Mummy" he's such a goof.

He ran over to her, embracing her in a huge hug. Kissing her cheek she smiled showing her white teeth.

I can't wait to see his face when he walks in his room. I redecorated it for his birthday. It's something special, the theme was an idea from a long time ago.


Harry ran up the steps dragging me behind him. We ran onto the balcony off his beautiful house.

"Write down one wish on this piece of paper. Then fold it like a paper plane. You can't tell anybody." Harry scribbling down something on a piece of blank white paper.

I nodded in agreement.

*Let Harry and I be friends forever* I folded the paper up in a perfect air plane.

"Why can't I tell anybody?" Asking him questionably.

"If you tell someone, it won't come true." Harry now has his folded in his hands.

He grabbed my unoccupied hand, then said. "We're going to let these go. On three."

"One" I said excitedly.

"Two" Harry's face gleaming.

"Three" we say it together and threw them off into the sunset sky.

The two airplanes went off into the night sky.

****end flashback****

Harry walked me back to the creek behind his house. He motioned towards a little playhouse. We used to play in that thing for hours on end in the summer and after school.

"Do you remember the times in that thing." Gripping my hand tighter.

"Yes I remember, fun times." My eyes are starting to get a bit watery, "I have something to show you." Winking at his beautiful green orbs.

I took my scarf off around my neck and tied it over his eyes like a blindfold.

"Mia, you know I hate surprises. What did you do?" Tripping over his feet.

"Just hold onto my arm and I'll show you. Trust me."

**Harrys P.O.V**

"Where are we going?" I asked suspiciously.

"Trust me Harry." Mia's voice soft.

We walked up the steps in my house and heard a door creek open.

"Okay you can take off the blindfold now. " she sounds excited.

I slowly take off the blind fold and my heart stopped.

She remembered.

My room was done in paper airplanes. On one of my walls were quotes, "one. Two. Three." Writing in cursive. Her handwriting obviously. Scattered on the wall near my bed were pictures of me and Mia thought the years. I noticed something hanging over my desk. Two paper planes.

"Mia, you didn't......." She hushed me giving me a peck on the cheek.

"Happy birthday Harry" she looked at me with the biggest grin on her face.

I give her a huge hug and pick her up, then set her down, "I still haven't showed you what I wanted too." I say winking at her.

She was beautiful. Her birthday was a 3 days ago. She probably hated me for not getting her a gift. She didn't show it tho. I just had to wait for it to come in. I ordered it.

"Mia come with me! I want to show you." I gave Mia this cute little grin.

I grabbed Mia's hand and held tightly.

We walked through the house to the back door.

I walked her over to the edge dock and sat down beside each other. I motioned her to look out into the sky, then told her to close her eyes.

I pulled her long brown beach waves to one side and draped a chain over her neck.

"Happy 16th birthday Mia!" Whispering in her ear.

"Harry! You didn't forget, thank you it's beautiful." She gave me a huge hug after admiring the paper airplane pendent.

"I'm sorry it wasn't on your birthday, the shipment didn't come in yet. I hope you like it" I look into her ice blue eyes. They were gorgeous.

We just sat there with our eyes connected. It felt like hours.

**** Mia's P.O.V****

"Harry it's beautiful." I hug him after looking at the small paper airplane necklace.

Our eyes lock together, his eyes were an unexplainable green. They were so pretty. He put his hand over my waist then brings me closer to him. I lay my head on his firm chest as we look out at the sunset. I heard my iPhone go off, mum got me this as a gift for my birthday.

9:40 pm


Hey babe. Mia it's time to come home. It's getting dark. (: see ya in a few daring.

"Hey, uhh Harry mom just texted me, I have to get going. " I give him a small kiss on the cheek as we stood up. We exchanged hugs, he walked me over to the front door.

"Do you want me to drive you home?" Harry asked questionably.

"It's only 3 houses away Harry, if you absolutely want to, sure. I don't want you wasting your gas tho." Looking at him with the serious face.

He grabbed his keys, "We'll let's go" winking at me, smiling making his dimples pronounced.

I tripped over the first step. "Be careful Mia! You could have hit your head or something." Harry's voice concerned.

"Calm down mum!" In a jokingly tone. I wink at him. Why does he care if I get hurt he's been very protective of me lately.

We hop in the car and in about five seconds we were at my house. He got out of the car running over to me. He opened the door like a gentleman handing me his hand to help me down. The porch light was on for me. We stood there awkwardly for a few seconds.

"We'll I better get inside moms waiting for me." Hugging him tightly.

"Night Mia." He whispered softly in my ear.

When I walked in I could tell mum was spying on us.

"When are you guys going to date?" She said looking out the window as he drove down the road.

"Mum! I don't think he likes me that way, we're just best friends. " my cheeks are a little red.

"Mia, he likes you. I can tell by the way he looks at you. He really does. " giving me a serious look.

"Well, then I'll give it time. I'm going to bed, night mum." I give her a hug then walk up the stairs.

All that night I couldn't sleep, I only thought about Harry. I looked at my phone to see the time. It read 3:49 am. Damn. I need some sleep, me and Harry were planning on going to the beach.

Go to sleep, go to sleep, I need to look cute for Harrrryyyy. I thought in my head. I slowly fell asleep.

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