Chapter 15

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"Goodnight love." I placed my head on the rook of his neck.

I've never felt so. So close to anyone, so comfortable with someone. I slowly fell asleep thinking about us.

****Next Day****

*Harry POV*

"Mia I'm going to run mum some arronds." I yelled into the bathroom while she took her shower.

"Ok, stay safe." I grabbed my gym bag and headed for the car. I met Niall at his flat in downtown London. We pulled into the parking lot of the boxing rink, and Tom had already arrived. I peeled my shirt of exposing my chest grabing my boxing gloves.

"Damn Harry, get some last night?" Niall laughed his arse off. "Excuse me? What are you talking about?" I gave him a questioning look, how'd the fuck he know?

"Harry, don't play dumb with me. You have scratches all over your back." My face went red, although I had a feeling of pride.

Niall threw a punch, catching me off guard. "You're in for it now Horan." I looked at him with my dark green orbs. "Show me what you got Harry." He threw another punch, blocking him this time. I did an uppercut jamming him in the jaw. He flew back, hitting the floor. "Ok... ok." He looked up at me, "But you never did answer my question." He gave me a smirk. "I'm not telling you if me and Mia did anything..." I trailed off, red cheeks arose. "Mia must be good in bed, I want some." Niall said, jokingly. Something snapped in me. I pounded at his face and chest. He screamed out in pain.

"Harry! Get off him." Tom pulled me off with two other guys I've seen around here, "You need to go home, NOW." I looked back, Niall just leaned up against the railing. Bloodied face and abdomen.

"What have I done." I thought to myself, how stupid do you have to be. Niall has been my best mate all through school. Something just snapped inside of me when he said that. I guess I got jealous.

I hopped in my car, pissed off at myself and Niall. I don't care if he was joking or not, he doesn't mess with what's mine. I headed home, when I got in the door I threw my gym bag in the closet Mia doesn't look in. I slammed the door and headed to the hall for a shower.

"What the hells wrong Harry?" She trampled along behind me. I turn around grabbing her by her waist.

"You're all mine right?" I looked her straight in the eyes, "Yes..." She gave me a confused look, "What is this all about?" I didn't say anything, I just kissed her lips violently. Pulling her bottom lip between my teeth. "I love you" And with that I was off to my shower. I let the hot water beat down my muscles. Relaxing them, I heard Mia walking the bathroom. I peep my head around the shower curtain and she had one hand on the toilet getting ready to flush it.

"Don't. You. Dare." I gave her a sharp look. *flush* The water instantly went freezing cold. "I'm going to get you MIA!" I yell over her laughing and the running water. "Try me." she gave me a wink.

She turned the lights out before closing the door. This means war.

I got out of the shower turning the lights back on, getting clothed. I could hear Mia running down the hallway away from me.

I saw her turn the corner, I raced after her catching hold of her hips...I pulled her close to my body, as close as I could. Our lips connected. She swipped her tongue across my bottom lip, asking for access. Of course I let her in.

We kissed violently, making every second count. Out of no where. The door bell rang.

I told her to stay there, she didn't listen. She was so stubborn. I answered the door and Niall was standing there, he pushed his way past me. Grabbing Mia, he kissed the lips I craved so much.

She slapped him after a moment. I grabbed the back of his arm pulling him to the ground.

"IF YOU EVER TOUCH MIA AGAIN..." I trailed off, she helped him to his feet. "I think you should leave" Not making eye contact with him.

WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. Like no. You don't just grab someones girlfriend and make out with them. It infuriated me.

"What the hell..." She looked back at the door and then me.

Hey guys! harrys picture is in the sidebar. That's like my favorite picture ever im sorry. but look at him. hes UNF.

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