Chapter 26

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I finally started to feel a bit better, Harry and I got up out of bed around 10:56 a.m. Emile had just woken up and was making tea. "I hope you don't mind me making tea." She gave me a smile I shook my head and smiled back. Liam walked out along with Harry. Harry threw some clothes on considering he was just wearing boxer briefs.

"Hey babe." Liam came over to kiss my cheek, " I wouldn't do that, I haven't been feeling to good." I backed away from him.

****A few mornings later****

After about 5 mornings of puking, Harry insisted we went to the hospital. He was greatly worried about me. When we got there they asked a series of questions. Then there was one that made my heart stop.

"Are you or could you be pregnant?" Dr. Maddison asked me, looking up from the sheet of paper he was marking on. I looked at Harry and Harry looked at me. No, it couldn't be...

"Um, theres a possibility.." Harry's face went pale. I mean, I did say I wanted a family with him. Just not right now.

"Well, we can test you here but it will take 4-5 days to get the results back." He was writing on the paper. I nodded 'yes'. They had Harry stay in the room why I went to the ladies room to pee in a plastic cup. I put the lid and label on and washed my hands.

For the next few nights both of us couldn't sleep. We were constantly thinking about it. What if I was prego. I'd be having a baby with Harry. That's crazy to think about.

"Mia I love you." Harry placed his hands on my stomach. I whispered it back. The phone rang.

"Hello."    "Hello Mia, its Dr. Maddison's office. Your lab results are in. You aren't pregnant,  but you are showing high levels in the liver functions. We need you to come back in today for additional testing. When you come in Dr. Maddison will send you over to the lab for blood work and x-rays."

"Ok" was all that could come out of my mouth. I was happy and worried and sad. Mixed emotions you could say.  "See you soon, Mia. Bye" And with that I explained everything to Harry. He was worried. We grabbed all the things we would need while there, we didn't exactly know if I'd be staying there tonight or what.

"Its going to be ok Mia." Harry enclosed me in a hug. He placed a kiss on top of my head. "Lets go."  He drove me over to the local Hospital. I hate needles. So much.

The blonde nurse took me over to the lab where they drew my blood and took an x-ray. They also decided it would be best if they took an ultrasound. "I thought you weren't prego." Harry whispered in my ear. I laughed quietly while we walked down the hallway. We walked into a dimly lit room.

"Sit up there and lay on your back" The blonde nurse went over to the machine and smiled at me.

"This is going to be ice cold at first, then it will turn warm." She rolled my shirt up to my bra and squirted the cold substance on my belly. It felt weird, the gel they use with the machine thingy.

She took a few pictures of what looked like my stomach. "That's your golblatter. The doctors thought you might have golstones. They can make you sick and have bad stomach pains."  I nodded as I were listening.

She cleaned the gel off my stomach and rolled my shirt back down. "Come this way.." She showed us out the door.

"Dr.Maddison arrange a surgery with Dr.Lepi on Tuesday. You can't eat or drink(sugary) anything 24hrs before the surgery. They said you can drink water 11 hours prior to surgery. The surgery will only take 4 hours at the most. Come to this office Tuesday at 7 a.m. If you have any questions or concerns Dr. Lepi's number is right there" She pointed to a number, the  nurse read of this paper and handed me a copy. "Have a nice day." she smiled and Harry and I made our way back to the car. I was quite nervous, I've never had any major surgery like this before.

"You'll be fine bae. Would you like to go eat?" Harry looked over at me as he started the car. We found this cute little family owned restaurant called, "Dooley's" It had to be the best tasting food I've eaten in a while. Harry seemed to enjoy it too, his plate looked like it was licked clean.

****Tuesday Morning****

The nurse stuck the IV's in my arm and asked me once again a series of questions. I answered and she and a few other nurses rolled me off down the hallway, They pointed to a little waiting area for Harry and his mother to sit while I was in surgery.

They placed a mask on me and I was out.

ok. aahahahhhaa she wasn't pregnant! 4 comments 4 votes and 20 reads for the next chapter!(:

Keep commenting please I love it!(: I also reply to most of the comments when I see them! So I always answer your questions and what not(: anyway! Love ya. Hope you like it

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