Chapter 43

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"Love wake up." I felt him push on my bum.

"Harry what time is it?" I slowly rolled over only to meet his beautiful green eyes.

"Time to wake up beautiful. I've made you breakfast." He smiled at me, giving me a soft kiss on the cheek.

Honestly, last night made me really think about why I loved him so much to begin with. Not the euphoric state he makes me in but the gentleness and the love I feel from him. He is my soul mate. My love. He will always be mine. I can't believe how blind I was and how far away I strayed from him for so long. He is my everything and I almost lost it all.

"I love you baby." I wrapped my hands around the back of him and kisses his back.

"I love you too angel." I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"I'm sorry I left you for so long..." my voice cracked.

"What do you mean?" he turned around to face me.

"Harry I left you for so long. I didn't even tell you how I felt anymore. I was so hurt about the loss but that doesn't mean I could just leave you hurting. I knew it hurt you bad too and I just left you alone. You took care of me even though you could barely take care of yourself." The tears I was holding back are starting to fall now, endlessly fall.

"Baby, it's okay. That's what I'm here for. I will always be here." He pulled me in close to his chest like he always does, making me feel the security I always long for. I sobbed into his chest for a good hour. He just held me and listened. Thats the thing with Harry, he always listens.


"I'll be back soon, I love you." I kissed his cheek as I escaped out the door, "I love you too be careful." I'm trying to hurry, I have a surprise for him. We've been together for how long now and I don't ever really do anything for him. With that being said, I wanted to get him a nice gift.

"Come on! Let's get a move on." I'm getting angry at the car in front of me, they're going 15mph under the speed limit! Seriously?? I lay on my horn and thats when it happened. All I know is I see a semi heading right towards me and then a bright light.

They say before you die, your life flashes before your eyes. It really does, all of that you just read? That was my life, before, you know. The accident. I was happy, for the most part. I had Harry , my friends and a house with him. I was content with life. I didn't realize how death actually works. They told Harry my death was instant, no pain involved. But, that isn't true, my pain wasn't physical. It was mentally painful. Knowing I'll never be able to hold him again, kiss him again, tell him I love him or make love ever again was the painful part. Everything, in that very moment, when that semi came across the medium and hit me head on. Was gone. My heart stopped beating, my last breath was short and quick. My last thought was of him. My love, my best friend, Harry Styles.

paper planes.//h.sTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon