Chapter 28( Journey Part 1)

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**** Harrys POV****

It's been a few weeks since Mia had her surgery, she's a lot better now she doesn't even need her meds. Something's been bugging me, Niall, he saw her naked. My girl friend. She couldn't wait 3 minutes for me to come back. I'm trying to decide if I should ask her about it. I don't think I will because that was over 2 weeks ago.

"Hey babe." I turned as Mia walked into the Livingroom. She was still in her pj's. She placed her head on my abdomen. I placed my hand under her shirt to lift it up, she hasn't quite let me see her

stomach since her surgery.

"Stoop!" She swatted my hand, but I didn't back down. She had three little incision marks on her stomach, and one inside her belly button.

"Mia, you're beautiful. They're not even that big. You can't even notice." She was so self conscious now. It's actually quite rediculous.

****Mias POV****

"Harry..." I grumbled as he proceeded to lift up my shirt, "I thought you just wanted to see my incisions." I winked at him and he gave me a playful smirk. His hands trailed along my bra hem. He placed soft kisses up my stomach, tailing along leaving love bites on my neck. "Stop it Harry." My pleads only made him suck harder on the exposed skin. I was startled by someone knocking on the door. I pulled my shirt down and gave Harry a 'I'm sorry' look. I walked over to the door and by my surprise it was all of the boys.

"Hi dears!" I smiled and one by one they walked in placing a kiss on my cheek. "Oh I feel so honored with all of your kisses!" I fluttered my eyes and placed my hand on my heart. We all laughed simultaneously.

"Uh hum." Harry grunted from behind me," Would you lads like to have a seat?" They all nodded and followed close behind Harry and I.

"Would you guys like some tea while I'm making it." I looked back through the kitchen.

"I would please." Liam said, "me too." Niall smiled, "me three." Louis winked. "Me four." Zayn laughed.

"And you Harry, would you like to be 'me five'" I mimicked the boys, "yes babe. I would." He smiled. I saw Niall cringed when he said 'babe'. Niall wanted to be the one calling me that. I feel quite bad, I feel guilt. But he understood right?

"Niall, can I use some help?, I could feel all the boys, including Harry look into the kitchen at me.

"Uh, what'd you need help with?" He looked at me confused. "I just wanted to ask you something, it's been eating me alive."

"Go on." He simply said. "Do you hate me? For not choosing you? I feel so guilty. I'm so so sorry if I hurt you."

He looked shocked," yeah, I like you. But you were with Harry first. You guys were best friends before a couple. Don't feel guilty. Please don't." He gave me a weak smile and hugged me.

I also feel as if Harry was worrying about me with Niall. He's always watching me when I'm around him. I mean, he has every right to considering that I got mad at him and called for Niall, and when I was at the hospital I called for Niall not Harry. I mean, for gods sake I slept with Niall.... Even though I didn't exactly plan that, it happened. Part of me wants to tell Harry everything, but I can't. He'd be so heart broken and mad.

"Here ya go." I handed out 2 cups of tea, since I can't carry five. I went back to the kitchen, managing to carry a third cup between my arm and side, "and for you." I gave the last three cups to Harry, Niall and Liam. I walked back to the kitchen, grabbing my favorite mug filling it with fresh to tea. We all sat around the the living room chilling, when Louis brought up something out of the ordinary.

"So, I was thinking, maybe we could all go on vacation to Paris, France....." He smiled around at everyone.

"You can't be serious." Harry said, I backed Louis up, "Oh but Harry! Think how romantic and lovely everything would be." I have him a puppy dog face, "Ok, I'm in." I gave Louis a wink.

"Well, Emile HAS always wanted to go there. I suppose I'm in too." Liam smiled. "And me." Niall waved in the air cheering.

"Zayn? How about you." Louis asked him. "I suppose I could go. Since you all are I might as well go."

"Ok Pari it is" Louis said in a weak French accent. We all cheered. I was actually very excited about this!

"Next week, we're leaving on Friday morning. Be at the air port around 5 in the morning. I already have tickets." Louis looked around at us smiling,"oh and don't tell El, she thinks she's going to Ireland to visit my 'old pals'" he used his hand gestures on 'old pals'.

"Ok, well we ought to be leaving, I have to go get some rest so I can pack and everything." Liam broke the silence. We all exchanged hugs and said our goodbyes.

I shut the door, "HARRY, WERE GOING TO PARIS." I clapped my hands and ran into his arms. I'm so happy! I've always wanted to go to Paris.

****a week later****

"HARRY WAKE UP!" I shook him, it was only 4 in the morning but the airport was 20 minutes away and we still had to get ready.

"I'm up I'm up." He shook his curls with his hands and smiled slightly. I was running around the house like a mad woman trying to get ready, Harry was ready in about 3 minutes..

"Harry can you make sure I have everything packed?" I shouted from the bathroom.

"Ok, you have; Underwear, bras, 20 shirts and pants. Shorts, 4 dresses, and..... What is this?" He smirked, "condoms. I didn't know you were planning such a uh, active 3 weeks." He chuckled..

I blushed slightly and said, " hey, it's better safe than sorry, I mean. What if I meet some hot French guy." I laughed. He stormed into the bathroom, wrapping his arms around my waist. "You better not." His hot breath hit my ear and trailed down my neck. My skin got gooseflesh all over the area he just blew on. "Harry, stop I'm trying to get ready."

"Well, we'll be leaving shortly. I'll throw the luggage in the car." I smiled at him in the mirror.

I finished up and ran out the door. I made sure we both had our phones and chargers. I had my purse, and wallet and Passport.

"Ok ready to go." I gave Harry a ginormous smile, he nodded and we were out the door.


OK.:) So, I've figured I do something a bit different, as you can see. The chapter says 'part 1' I'm going to do 3 or 4 parts to the Paris Journey :) I'm very excited. Sorry this is a short Chapter! BUT I'll make up for it :) promise!

If you'd like to leave some thoughts on the next few chapters, please do. I'll need help!(:

4 votes, 6 comments and 20 reads for the next chapter!(: thanks for the 2k+ reads :) THANKKKSSSS LOVE YOU.

paper planes.//h.sTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang