Chapter 6

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My dream. I wanted it to be real. The sad thing was, it felt real. So real. I love him. A lot.

I started thinking about it.....

***flashback of the dream***

Harry just texted me, telling me to come over.

Hm? Wonder what that boy is up to.

It was so quite that late at night. I could hear my footsteps off the cement. *knock knock* I banged on Harry's door with the tips of my knuckles. He opened the door and grabbed me. He held me by my waist kissing my lips. I've never seen him so seductive, so needy for me. I liked it. His movements were so lustful; wanting to feel every inch of me. He picked me up bridal styles. Not ever once removing his lips from mine. Once we got to the top of the staircase; he pushed me up against the wall. Slipping his tongue into my wet mouth.

I thought to myself,"is this going to happen, right now, with him?" I wanted it to. So bad. I fingered at his beautiful curly hair. Our eyes locked, his green orbs piercing my ocean blue ones. He walked over to his door, fiddling around with the knob. Once inside, he sat me on his bed, walking over to lock the door. I peeled off his shirt reveling his slender toned torso..

***end flashback***

The more I think about it, the more lustful and needy I become. His eyes tell his story, let you into his soul you know? It's crazy to say you've fallen for your once best friend. He's all mine. I wonder if he is really oh so needy of me, we have yet to share an intimate time.

*later that day*

"Hey babe" placing a kiss on Mia's lips.

"Hey, Harry I have to study for the mid-terms. Can I talk to you later babe. Not unless of course you'd like to help?" I looked up from all my papers scattered across my bedroom floor. "You should be doing the same you know!?" Giving him a playful smirk as he bent down to kiss me.

paper planes.//h.sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora