Chapter 23******

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OMGGGG... THANKS FOR THE 1.5k reads. I'm like fangirling about that :) love you :***


Adrain. Many of you want to know who he is. See, it all started freshman year at school. He was THAT guy. The guys everyone wanted. I mean EVERYONE. I felt so lucky I got him. He chose me out of everyone. Harry and I kinda grew apart when I dated him, so Harry doesn't know much about it. Adrain, he was sweet, loving and caring at first. But after a few months he became abusive and very demanding. He hit me. He almost broke my wrist. He broke my ribs before. He wasn't good. At all.

It was so hard to deal with it, I couldn't tell anybody, Not even Harry. Harry would have beat his ass. I didn't want that, I know I sound crazy. But I loved Adrain no matter what. I became super depressed, causing me to stop eating and I also started drinking. It wasn't a good time in my life. To make matters worse, I distanced myself from Harry. He could tell something was wrong, and he knew I was losing weight to fast. I looked sick, and I was.


"Adrian, STOP!" I screamed as he tried to cover my mouth.

"You know we both want this. Just let go Mia." He tried tugging down my knickers.

I was scared. I kept screaming and yelling. But no one could hear me. You know what it's like to know there are millions of people in the world and not one can help you. Not one. He pushed hard against my stomach.

"Let go of me, I DON'T want this. YOU do." I spat in his face. He picked me up and threw me on the ground. He kicked me in my abdomen. I could feel my bones break. I screamed out in pain. He left me there. Laying on the floor, bleeding from everywhere. Harry found me unconscious hours later, laying in my bra and underwear. He rushed me to the hospital, calling my mother once I got there.

"Mia, what happened?" He placed his hands on top of mine as I looked up at him with tired eyes.

"I.... I don't remember." I lied to him. I knew exactly what happened. Adrian. He did this.

****End Flashback****

"What's wrong Mia?" Harry wiped away a falling tear. I wasn't crying, was I? The thought of him did make me want to cry. "Mia, talk to me babe." Harry looked at me with worrying green orbs.

I couldn't say anything, I placed kisses all over his face. I straddled his waist. I hugged his torso with my thin arms.

"I love you sosoososossoso much, I'm so sorry about freshmen year I didn't mean too." I kissed him again, he traced my bottom lip with his tongue. I allowed him entrance. His lips tasted much different than Adrian. I could tell Harry really loved me. He wasn't forceful. He cared a lot. He was so protective and loving. But yet he had this bad boy sense that drove me crazy. He was mysterious. I liked that. I wanted him like a druggie wants their next high. He was my high.

"Harry, Liam wants us to go to a party tonight, he told me to wear something sexy." I laughed as did Harry.

"I didn't know Liam was such, a guy." I laughed again. Liam didn't seem to be a pervert or a horny teenage boy.

****Later that night****

"WOOHOO." I screamed dancing with Liam and Harry. Harry really did know how to move his hips against mine. Like, my LAWD. He was good. I am getting drinks one after another. Taking shots and glasses of who in the hell knows. It was good. It relaxed me.

"Harry, I'm going to go to the bathroom." I gave him a peck on the cheek taking my cup with me.

I finished my business and walked out. I ran into someone, I couldn't tell much the lighting was bad.

"Hey Mia." His voice raspy, "hey Harry. What are you doing? I told you I'd be right back." He immediately kissed me.

"Let's go home." I winked at him and we left out that back door. We hopped in the car and Harry drove as fast as he could.

"I want you." He whispered in my ear. Holy. Fuck.

He stripped me down bare, and then himself.

He placed the latex over his length, pushing me against the bed. He kissed all over me, he slowly went in my entrance.

"Har-" my voice started cracking leaving room for small moans and gasps. I placed my hands on his hips, they brushed against mine several times.

"Mia. Fuc-..." His voice trailed off. It was getting hot and I could tell I was reaching my peak. My walls tightened and pulsed over him. Fast breaths left my parted lips.

"Harry,..." I tightened, releasing around him.

He soon after peaked. My god. Holy fucking heavens. He slid off the latex with a familiar white substance in the bottom. He cuddled up around me. Pulling me close. I felt myself drift off to sleep laying in his arms.

****Harrys POV****

"Have you seen Mia?" I said looking at Liam. I'm terrified. She went to the bathroom ages ago.

"No, and she's not in the bathroom I was just up there." He gave me a sorry look, " I'm sure she's fine wherever she is, just go home and relax. I'll find her." He gave me a bro hug and I left. I trusted him.

I didn't get any sleep really. I was up constantly worrying.

****next morning****

I woke up, "good morning Harry." I looked over. OH. MY. GOD. NO.

"NIALL." I pushed him and he jumped up fast. We were both naked. Oh my god. He wasn't..... Harry. I slept with Niall.

"What the fuck?" I said throwing the duvet over me,"what happened last night, I thought you were Harry." I started to freak. I left the party without Harry he's probably worried sick. I managed to find my phone and I called Liam.

"Don't come near me." I shoed Niall away. I put my clothes back on and tried to brush my hair.

"Liam, hey." I said quietly as he answered, "MIA. WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU. HARRY HAS BEEN WORRIED."

"Come get me please, I'm at Nialls. I need to talk to you. Like now." Liam only lived a few minutes away and he agreed. Before I knew it Liam was walking through the front door. He gave me a hug and we walked back to his car.

"I though Niall was Harry. And we had hot sex last night." I blurted out. His jaw dropped.

"Mia, what. The. Hell?" He looked at me kind of angry. "I didn't want too! I thought it was Harry. I had a lot to drink last night. I seriously thought it was Harry. Was Niall even drinking?" He shook his head 'no'. Wait. Niall KNEW I was Mia and I WAS drunk. He took advantage of me. Liam stayed silent.

"Please don't tell Harry. I was even screaming out his name last night."his eyes went wide.

"Ew, don't tell me this. I'm not going to, you obviously were taken advantage of. Niall knew you were taken by Harry. It was his choice to screw you. As long as he made you believe he was Harry."

I felt dirty. Gross. What the hell was wrong with Niall.

"Thank you Liam." I placed a kiss on his cheek and have him a small hug before I left the car and walked into the house.

"Where the hell have you been Mia? I've been worried sick." Harry ran over to me. He hugged me tightly.

"Liam found me passed out in the spare bedroom." I have him a reassuring look. God forbid he found out what REALLY happened.

I slept with Niall Horan.

And enjoyed it.

4comments, 16 reads and 4 votes for the next chapter. PLOT TWIST MUCH? (: hope you like it. Make sure to comment I feel like you guys don't like it. I only have a few commenters that comment every time. I really do hope you guys like it. I'm trying to write as much as I can in Harry's POV but it's hard cause I don't really know him know him. Get what I'm saying? Well anyway thanks again:D love you:)

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