Chapter 2

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Go to sleep, go to sleep, I need to look cute for Harrrryyyy. I thought in my head. I slowly fell asleep.


"Harry look!" I motioned toward the ocean sun set.

He turned and looked. The sun just hitting his eyes perfect.

"It's beautiful Mia. It reminds me of your eyes, the water. It really does. Blue as ice." Putting his hand on my cheek bone.

He leaned down and pecked my cheek. I return the favor. I feel my cheeks blush red.

Butterflies started in my stomach. My cheeks growing hotter, as he leaned his lips close to mine.

Our lips crashed together. Holding me in his embrace by the waist. I felt safe with him.

*end of dream*


I looked at my alarm and turn it off. It read, 8:38 am, I had to get ready for Harry.

I'm going for a more natural look today since we are going to the beach. He will be here around 10. So I only have a hour and a half.

I laid out my white shorts and cut off shirt, with my floral print bikini from Hollister. I hopped in the shower, when I got out my phone went off.

From: Harry 8:46 am.

Hey Mia, I just wanted to make sure we still have plans. Xx.

I texted him back instantly. yes! Harry yes we do!

I let my hair air-dry, one because I like the long natural beach waves and two it was just easier. I put on some water proof makeup, only on my eyes; my mascara. I threw on my bathing suit. Looked in the mirror, I was satisfied. I put on my white shorts and cut off, walked over to my closet, picked out my navy and white flip flops.

I pulled a navy hair band through my hair. I kinda looked cute. It's 9:36 am now. I'm gonna text Harry and see if he wants to come get me now.

To: Harry 9:37 am.

Hey! You can come pick me up whenever I'm ready now. I can't wait, it's so warm out!

A few minutes later I heard my phone vibrate of the kitchen counter.

From: Harry 9:40 am

I'll be there in like 2 minutes. See ya soon darling. Xx.

Omg... He.. Called me darling. Omg.. Aweeeeeh. It's probably nothing to him. Just a name.

Just in my train of thought. I heard Harry honk the horn as I ran out the door. I hopped in the car and we exchanged hugs in the car. He was so warm. He looked cute today. I turned on the radio station, as we drove down the road we jammed out.

I was looking out the window just watching everything go by. It was kinda awkward, I was waiting for Harry to break the silence.

"You look uhhhh, erm... Beautiful Mia. " I felt him look over, my cheeks flushing red. He complimenting me made me embarrassed.

"Thanks Harry, you don't look to bad yourself." I say giving him a small wink.

He looked out his window, giving a half smile showing his dimples. I loved his dimples. I mean like love. They were so cute. He was so cute, I hope he likes me. I'm just afraid he won't considering we've been friends for a really long time, he might find it awkward I'm attracted to him that way.

He laid his hand down one the arm rest. His fingers twitched open a little. Does he want me to hold his hand? I moved mine a little closer, he just wrapped his hand around mine. A small smile crept on my face. He squeezed my hand, his dimples now more pronounced.

When we got to the beach Harry, like a gentlemen, opened the door for me.

I ran as fast as I could toward the sandy beach when I felt someone pick me up and making me grab on his back, wrapping my legs around his torso.

That someone, well his name was Harry.

Well, I finally got the nerve to ask. "Harry...." I whisper in his ear as he carried me towards a few towels on the beach. "Yes Mia.?" Harry looking at me out of the corner of his eye.

"Do you ummmm, like me........" My face flushed red. He about dropped me.

***Harry's P.O.V***

"Do you ummmm, like me......." Mia said looking the other way to avoid eye contact.

YESSSS!! She yess!

I just about dropped her. Oops. "Look at me Mia. " I say placing her back on the sandy beach. She wouldn't turn her head, so I placed my hand on her cheek moving her face towards me. "Mia, I've liked you since the day we met......." I trailed of fiddling with my curls.

I wrapped my hand around her waist and held her close.

"I was afraid..... You didn't like me that way." Looking up at me with those beautiful eyes. Placing a kiss on my cheek. I only return the favor a bit to the left, placing a small kiss on her lips. Her cheeks grew red. To break the silence, I asked her if she wanted to go for a swim now.

"I'd like that." Mia giving me a big grin. She slowly slid her top off before saying, "Turn around, I look horrid. My stomach. Ew."

I ripped my shirt off walking over to her. Towering over her like a skyscraper. "Mia, you're perfect. You don't have anything to hide." Helping her take off her shirt. It's not like we are naked or anything, so that's how that went.

I placed her hand on her stomach, "See? Perfect. Nothing less."

She was blushing. She pulled off her shorts and BAM! I threw her over my shoulder running into the waves of water. More like ripples. But it was pretty.

"Let me down Stylessss!" She said breathlessly. I placed her in front of me holding her hips to mine, "nothing but perfect." Kissing the tip of her nose.

paper planes.//h.sOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora