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Chapter eighty-one | The Almost People

—THE TWO DOCTORS kept bobbing up and down behind the console. "Can you really get the power back?" Cleaves asked as she watched the two doctors.

"Oh, there's always some power floating around." The G-Doctor told her.

"Sticking to the wires, like bits of lint." The Doctor finished his sentence.

Amy sighed, looking between the two. "Can you stop finishing each other's-"

"Sentences?" The Doctor interrupted her. "No probs."

"Yes." The G-Doctor agreed.

"No, hang on." Amy paused. "You said that the Tardis was stuck in acid, so won't she be damaged?"

"Nah, she's a tough old thing. Tough, old, sexy." The Doctor smiled.

"Tough, dependable, sexy." The G-Doctor said.

"Come on. Okay, how can how can you both be real?" Amy looked between the two doctors.

"Well, because we are. I'm the Doctor." The G-Doctor shrugged lightly.

"Yeah and so am I. We both contain the knowledge of over nine hundred years of memory and experience." The Doctor agreed. "We both wear the same bow tie, which is cool."

"Because bow ties are-"

"And always will be."

"But how did the Flesh read you? Because you weren't linked up to the it." Amy furrowed her eyebrows with confusion.

"Well, it must've been after I examined it. Thus, a new, genuine Doctor was created." The Doctor explained.

"Ta-da." The G-Doctor waved with a smile.

"No getting away from it. One of you was here first." Amy looked between them.

"Well, okay." The Doctor began explaining. "After the Flesh scanned me, I had an accident with a puddle of acid. Now, new shoes. A situation which did not confront me learned self here."

"That satisfy you, Pond?" G-Doctor asked her.

"Don't call me Pond, please." The Two Doctor looked at her with curiosity. "What?"

"Interesting. You definitely feel more affection for him than me."

"No, no, I..." Amy denied it. "Look, you're fine and everything, but he's the Doctor. No offence. Being almost the Doctor is pretty damn impressive."

"Being almost the Doctor's like being no Doctor at all."

"Don't overreact." Amy scoffed.

"You might as well call me Smith." He spoke.

"Smith?" She questioned.

"John Smith."

"Yes!" The Doctor shouted. "Communication a go-go." Cleaves rushed right toward the console.

Amy rushed over too. "Find Rory! Show me the scanning tracking screen. Come on, Rory, let's be having you."

"There's no sign of him anywhere." Cleaves told the girl.

"Come on. Come on, baby, show yourself." She muttered, hoping her husband was all right.


G-Jimmy looked at G-Cleaves. "You're right, there's power."

"Well, boys," G-Cleaves began to speak. "I don't know much, but I know my own minds. She'll be straight on the comlink to the mainland."


- 𝐔𝐍𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 !Where stories live. Discover now