Chapter 62 - Return Of The Dark Side

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Hôtel de Banville - Kate's POV:

I worry about Mickie-Jo sometimes. Like now, as I lay down to sleep in my room at the hotel we're staying in; it's almost midnight and I'm wondering if she's ok. I know she's not the only 'baddie' that mysteriously disappeared after the video shoot, but I really wish my baby would stop switching her phone off; I'm not even mad at the fact she didnt come back with us to celebrate, I just wish she could call me and let me know she's alright. Last time I saw her, she was talking to Beyonce but the girls have tried to call the new girl too and her phone keeps ringing out😔. If they're somewhere together, I really hope they're protecting eachother. I'm not religious but I took the time to pray for them before I climbed into bed.

Go to sleep Kate, dont let these damn kids get you stressing. Wherever they are, whatever they're doing, they're safe.

But before I can put my mind to rest, my phone rings...

😣what does this monstrous man want at this time of the night and why wont he just leave me alone!

I answer it aggressively, "Joe, are you out of your mind?! It's over! We're divorced! finished! How many times I gotta tell you???"

He's crying down the phone, gasping for air and struggling to speak, "Kate?...Kate, honey, listen to me, please, I'm begging you...please."

I sigh into the phone, "what is it? I dont have time for this, Joe!"

"Katie, please dont hang up, I need you to hear me out ok?...OK?"

I sense the urgency, "Ok, I'm listening, make it quick!"

"Thank you" he sobs into my ear; then he begins, "I know my soul aint right, Kate, and I know I'm due for a deliverance..."

"I knew you was part of the illuminati" I shake my head in disgust, "all the signs were there."

"Please just let me finish" Joseph sobs, "suddenly it's hit me that no matter how hard I try to conceal the truth, the truth cannot be erased. And you know what else, Katie?" he breaks down and cries, "I cant live with myself knowing the things that only I know. My secrets are eating me alive. They haunt me like ghosts at night, things I ought to tell you..."

"If this is about you molesting our daughter, I already know and that's why we dont want you in our lives!" I shake with anger.

He expresses his guilt and shame in the form of silence.

"You're lucky she doesnt want to press charges against you. You see Joseph, we're not vindictive people. We know too well that success is the best revenge and that's what we're focused on. Now goodbye!"


More?? Did this idiot just say there's more???😠

My heart rate speeds up, "what else is there?"

Suddenly, he's back to his old arrogant and condescending self, "the big project you're working on, this girlgroup that you hope will bring you much success, or should I say, revenge in the form of actually more mine than yours."

He's so childish and pathetic, I gotta laugh at the man, "are we really fighting over whose girlgroup it is? You know damn well it was our daughter's idea and Nicki came up with the name. Nice try, Joe."

His tone is calm, "No, I'm serious, it's my blood circulating within half of Bad Gyal Four. Kate, honey, this may come as a surprise to you but......two of my daughters are in that group."

My heart collapses, "dont mess with me, Joseph. Dont you dare!"

"Do you remember a woman by the name of Gina?" he's laughing coz he knows I could never forget her, "the deceased wife of my old friend Matthew?"

"The one whose name you would call during sex?" I recall as my temperature rises from hatred.

He laughs again, "that's the one! We had a long-standing affair 20 years ago which resulted in a secret lovechild. We did everything in our power to protect our marriages, to keep the truth from Matthew and yourself. Gina and I were constantly at war, always threatening eachother with what we both considered to be our weapon of mass destruction - Beyonce."

"YOU BASTARD!!!" I slam my phone down so hard, it almost breaks.


2nd floor,eiffel tower-MJ's POV:

"Bon appétit" I say, entertaining Beyonce with my impressive french accent; we're having dinner at the elegant 'Le Jules Verne' restaurant, making lovey dovey faces at eachother from across the table.

"Merci" she replies, fluently, just like I taught her earlier; I flash her a smile, feeling proud that she remembers how to say 'thank you'.

"I'll let you taste mine and you can let me taste yours, ok?" she says; I can tell by her seductive tone and alluring eyes, it's not the food on the table that's really on her mind.

"But what if I want more than a taste?" I lick my lips, "what if I wanna eat it all up?"

She does the sexiest thing; she responds by sticking her finger in her mouth and gently biting it while we stare lustfully at eachother, "then you can have my whole plate in your mouth...and all down your throat."

I'm getting hot; I'm extremely aroused, "I want it in my mouth."

Beyonce digs her fork into her entrée, leans in and tenderly slides the fork into my mouth; the way she's watching me chew let's me know she wants to go back to the hotel so I can bite her panties off.

"Does it taste good?" she asks me, looking all hot and bothered.

I lean in as close as I can, "every. Fucking. Night."

She gasps, "baby, you're making me horny, it's not even fair!"

I lean back with a grin, "you started it!"

She opens her mouth to argue back but the sound of her phone ringing interferes; she sighs and rolls her eyes, "I'm just gonna switch this thing off now."

"Is it the baddies again?"

She looks at her phone, "Oh. It's your mom this time."

I laugh, "she must be trying to reach me. Go on, answer it."

Beyonce's POV:


"Beyonce, is MJ with you?" Kate's panicky voice asks.

"Yeah, she's right here. You wanna speak to her?"

"I need to speak to you both. It's about my ex husband, Joseph. Please, get back to the hotel as soon as you can" she hangs up.

"She's worried, huh?" MJ asks, smiling like it's funny.

"Something about your dad. It sounds serious."

MJ's face drops, "I dont care about Joseph. And he's NOT my dad."

I sigh, "baby..."


I know she's very serious about it but I cant help but wet my panties at how sexy she looks when she's mad like this; I bite my lip, "ok, well, let's finish eating and when we get back to the hotel, you can take all that anger out on me."

She raises an eyebrow.

"If you want" I add, in case she thinks I'm being insensitive.

She finally cracks a smile, "deal."


Kate's POV:

The sad part about this is knowing these kids' hearts are going to be filled with hate for a man that has hidden the truth from them all these years. But the good part, is knowing that the truth will strengthen their bond. They already get along so well, I'm certain they'll be happy to know that they're sisters.

(A/N votes and comments please😘)

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