Chapter 47 - Superfly Sister

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Hey sis, I'm throwing a party in Hollywood 2moro nite. I've got sum exciting news I'ma b announcing so cancel any plans u got & b there with the crew.

I make a face at the text I've just received, then text back:

Short notice, Mike. What time u expect us to get there? We in H-town, sleeping over at moms.

He texts back two minutes later:

I know, I arranged a private jet for y'all in advance, it should be there like now so get your asses ready! This is gonna b the party of the year so bring who u want but no ugly faces, only the hottest!

I smile and shake my head at Mike's text then hit back:

I only roll with the hottest, asshole. I'll be there.

He responds right away:

Of course u will, u have no choice. Ass wipe.

"Umm," I glance over at Beyonce, breaking the depressing silence between us as I drive us back to River Oaks, "Michael's invited us to his Hollywood party tomorrow. You wanna go or should we stay in bed together, watch movies and eat ice-cream?"

"I'll see how I feel" the moody one mumbles.

After 5 minutes of more silence, I think of something else to say, "by the way, I'm sorry about the gun. It was just for protection."

"Protection from what?" she snaps.

"Look, I dont know the guy. He could be a professional boxer or sum shit like that. He just started throwing all these punches out the blue. And honestly I thought your dad was bout to join in coz he was all like, 'we finna kill your little boyfriend'. That's two against one."

Beyonce sucks her teeth then sighs.

"Apology accepted?" I ask, moments later.

She doesnt respond; she's resting her head on the window and has her eyes closed; she looks like she's sleeping. I hope she is, I hope she's not just trying to avoid a conversation with me. It's clear that I'm not her favorite person at the moment, since I'm the reason why her dad has disowned her, and it HURTS....I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make it up to her. There's nothing in this world I wouldnt do for the first girl I've ever loved - all she's gotta do is ask and I'll be at her service.

My phone rings and I pick it up, "barbie. Wassup?"

"Just looking pretty as usual, laying down naked, missing my Ken" Nicki giggles in my ear.

"Ken dont want you. You're like hoe edition Barbie. Ew" I giggle back.

She giggles hysterically, "fuck you! Talm bout 'ew'. Only reason I call you Ken is coz Ken dont have a dick. No dick in the pants ass nigga!"

"You want thissss."

"Anywaayyy, big head! I called to tell you we got two pilots and a flight attendant here waiting on us to pack our things. Apparantly we flying to some hotel in Hollywood. You on your way back right?"

"Yeah, we like 15 minutes away."

"Why'd it take y'all so long just to get her things? It's almost midnight."


"Mhmm. Well hurry the fuck up or I'll sit this big ass on your face!"

"I might like it tho" I flirt unintentionally, "but aite, just tellem to wait."

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