Chapter 23 - Highway To Revenge

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After the shoot - MJ's POV:

I'm so happy right now; I'm driving back to the penthouse in my Ferrari (mom drove it to the studio and left in my Honda), I've got my clique riding with me (plus Rihanna) and we killed our photoshoot! Man, I'm so proud of my team! Yeah I know we turned up late but I promised mom it wont happen again, and I never break my promises. Another reason I'm happy is Beyonce. I dont even care about this brand new attitude she got, I'm just happy she's here. I'm falling for her. She looked so fierce in that outfit and she worked the camera like a pro; Picture Perfect even called her 'a natural'. I'm convinced there's another side to this 'sweet and innocent' choir girl just waiting for someone to bring it out of her......and that's exactly what she's afraid of - she dont wanna meet her inner freak but soon, very soon, I'ma introduce her to that bitch.

I'ma pop that cherry.

Steering the wheel, I lick my lips as flashbacks of us kissing on her bed come to mind. I see myself kissing her on her lips............and on the lips between her legs; I'm horny as shit.

Aaliyah's POV:

I'm loving the crew right now. Beyonce fits us perfectly; the makeover is just what this group needed, and now it feels complete. The baddies have arrived, baby!

Nicki's POV:

It's a BG4 takeoverrrrrrrr! We outchea, hoe! I'm a happy bitch right now, today is going really well so far. I'm so excited to see how these pics are gonna come out, that I've even forgotten how much I cant stand these two bitches next to me. Oh, and I always feel like a million dollars everytime we ridin in MJ's supercar. *hair flick*

Beyonce's POV:

I feel so much better than I did before the shoot; in fact, I'm starting to really enjoy this life and I feel like a star now! I'm a lot more confident and this experience has made me realize just how much I really wanna be here. Nobody is gonna get in my way, not even daddy.

"Cant wait to see what they look like once they're edited" Aaliyah refers to the pictures we just took; she's sat in the passenger's seat next to MJ, while Nicki, Rihanna and I are squeezed up together in the back of MJ's four-seater transformers car (clearly, SOMEBODY shouldnt be here).

"It's gonna look mad dope" MJ adds; her phone rings and she answers it, "yo, playa playaaaaa!....shoot went well, man, we on our way back. You all set for tonight?'re NOT serious! Mike, that's not even cool, man.....yeah, ok, come thru.....aiiight."

"Was that the bro?" Aaliyah asks MJ, casually.

"Yup" MJ doesnt sound enthusiastic about it, "he's on his way to our pad."

That was her brother. That was Michael from PBA. I'm meeting him. This is so cool😁

"Oh my God, I remember the last time PBA were at the suite" Nicki gets all excited, "and they brought all those supermodels with them....should we have a jacuzzi party again?"

"Dope minds think alike!" Aaliyah looks back at Nicki with dancing eyes, "we gotta do it! We just had our first photoshoot together, that's a definite cause for celebration!"

"I'm down!" Nicki squeals, "I'm awwlllll the way down!"

"It's only Mike this time" MJ tells them, "he's with Miley tho."

"Yaaassssss Miley's wild assss!" Rihanna throws her hands up in the air, "we gone po' it up and get wet tonight!"

"Aaaayyyeee!" Aaliyah dougies in her seat.

"Then we off to the concert?" I hear my little voice join in (ooh look at me coming outta my shell). They talk over eachother, "Yupp", "yee-yuh!", "that's what the text said", "what concert?"

"We going to see the boys at seven" MJ explains to Rihanna, who responds by sticking her tongue out and throwing up 'devil horns' with her hands. Nicki and Aaliyah start rapping and singing one of PBA's songs; Rihanna joins in and MJ plays the track on full blast, drowning out their voices; I start to sing along but stop when I receive a text:

So I got off work early 2day. Is now a gd time 2 cum c u?

I smile at it then text back:

Yes, baby. get to Sorella Court and text me. X

A minuter later, Chris replies:


This is perfect! While Rihanna's clingy ass will be all over MJ at this jacuzzi party, I'ma be all over my man. And MJ's gonna see. She's gonna go crazy.......And she's gonna believe I'm not no damn dyke!

I look up at the rear-view mirror and lock eyes with MJ; it's like she's been watching me this whole time; her face is expressionless, but her eyes are intense; I challenge her with a fierce glare to show her I'm not intimidated; she winks at me then looks back at the road ahead.

You gone get yours, boo. Hell yes.😏

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