Just a taste

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Noah's POV
7:35 P.M.
Eleanor FINALLY comes home with a sleeping Sebastian in her arms.
"I called you twice" I said walking down to her, "please put him to bed." She says disregarding me and my concern. "What the hell happened? " I questioned while holding my son and following her into the kitchen.
"We had a great time, that's what-
I pulled her into a hug but she instantly pushes me back, that's when I smelled cologne. "You had a great f*cking time. Who ? Who is he" I said with such anger in my voice.
"What are you talking  about? " she  asked going into the fridge, she was so drunk. "You're f*cking someone else aren't you? "
"Noah, that's ridiculous." I slammed the fridge door shut as soon as she grabbed the orange juice. "Bullsh*t
His scent is all over you!" I hissed trying to be quiet as Sebastian was asleep. "I'm not- "no wonder you don't want time with me anymore, you're with somebody else." She just stares at me like "you should've known" and that somehow justified it. "I trusted you, I gave you chances, I forgave you, and this is what you do to me?
We're done. I'm f*cking done with you." I almost yelled as I went upstairs and put Sebastian to bed.
I felt a tear fall from my face as I got his blanket on. Once he was all set, I grabbed my keys and went to get in my car. I was so angrier and sad with her right now. She was obviously drinking and made a big mistake, so I'm going to treat myself to a drink.
I'm honestly looking  for some alchohol and something to give me attention for tonight, I don't care anymore.

I arrived at the bar and quickly parked before walking inside.
"Welcome to E rocks, what can I get you honey?" A very pretty woman spoke behind the bar. "Two beers please. " I said playing with my long fingers while taking a seat. As I waited for my drinks, I saw three Mexican men snorting up cocaine off the counter, they looked like they were having a great time. As I watched them, I felt a cold glass hit my knuckles. My beers were done.
"Oh my God, you're Noah Sebastian! The hot guy from Bad Omens."

She says with wide eyes as I take a sip of my beer.

"Hey" I smiled while reaching over to shake her hand.
"Shayla Johnson, how ya doing tonight? " she asked drinking down a lemonade/tea mixed drink. "I got f*cked" I said taking another sip.
"Well that's no surprise, every girl loves you." She laughs but didn't get my point. "No, my wife cheated on me. " her expression instantly turned to sadness. "Noah I'm so sorry "
"I have everything going great for me then a freight train comes in and destroys all of it."I shake my head at the thought before Shayla reaches for my hand. "Hey? You're gonna be alright ok? If you can make the charts to number one with a kick *SS song by the way, then you can make it above this. Now, all drinks are on me tonight alright? " she says letting my hand go. "I'm gonna tip you at least, and I appreciate your understanding." I nod as she gets me another beer.....

"I was like this dude who looked like a girl at this stupid *ss party, and no one would talk to me!" I was dying laughing as I told Shayla my crazy high school stories. "HAHAHAH, I've so been there, I'm always embarrassing the guy I bring as a date cause I'm dancing on tables and spilling beer on people! I was so crazy" we high fived each other at the crazy conversations we were having.

That meant the bar had to close for tonight.  "Ah sh*t man " Shayla laughs as the lights start to dim. "I've gotta help clean real quick " I smirked at hee and asked, "can I take you home? " she laughs and walks to the back.

About five minutes later she comes back around the corner. "Aye there he is!" She giggles while putting her jacket on. "Can I take you home?" I asked once again. "Noah, you are so drunk." I shrugged while trying to step down from the stool but nearly fell. "Oh oh, let me help you" she runs to my side and wraps her arms around my waist to help me stay balanced. "Thank you" I whispered as we head to the door. "Where do you want me to drive you?" She asked as I sorta guide us to my car. "Hotel? Will you stay the night please? " I could tell she felt bad, so she nodded as I drunkenly hand her my keys. " the Hilton hotel's Okay? " she asked starting up the engine. "That's perfect" I slurred as she slowly pull out of the parking lot...

Eleanor's POV
All I remember was going to my high school friend Josh's house to vent out. His sister took Sebastian to the park for a few hours as we drank some whiskey and talked. I guess we both got drunk and made a terrible mistake? I felt so ashamed and I knew I broke Noah's heart. I was so mean to him this morning and now I cheated on him? God I felt so bad about this.

Kingdom of cards chpt 3 N.S. Bad Omens story जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें