Into the grey

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Noah's POV
"Sick you guys, that was awesome." I smiled at the huge crowd before my eyes. "Montana, thank you.
Stay warm, be safe, and a great f*cking rest of your night!" I bow with the guys before we walked back stage. "Pennsylvania, here we come " I crack my knuckles as I saw Brian holding Sebastian. "Sebastian, sup buddy? " I smiled taking him in my arms. "Daddy, what happened to Mommy? " my eyes look at Brian as he puts his hands up. "I don't know anything. Jesse left with her and told me to watch him." I furrow my brows in worry. "Where the f*ck did he go?" I almost yelled while walking to the truck. "I don't know, Noah."
"WHY THE F*CK WOULDN'T YOU TELL ME?" I quickly set Sebastian in the backseat and walk to the front.
"You were on stage!" I rolled my eyes and unclip the keys. "Load the equipment in the bus" I quickly shut the door and start up the truck before calling Jesse....

Eleanor's POV
"I'm gonna call him, I promise he'll be here soon." Jesse says as I lied on the hospital bed. "I knew something was going to happen." I cried as tears fell down my face. "Ellie? Your 29 years old, there's still time to keep trying."
I nodded as a nurse walks in. "Miss Davis, I'm so sorry but we need to get you into surgery now." I take a deep breath in as tears stream down my face. "Can we wait ten minutes please? My husband isn't far." She looked sad while approaching me.
"Miss Davis, we will try to spare time while we get you prepared for surgery, but I can't promise anything."
"Ok, please... just ten minutes." She nods while setting the wheelchair beside my bed. "Nice and easy, no rush miss" she says while guiding me to the chair. "Oh God " I whispered as the pain was coming back. "Doctor, we need you at the emergency room asap" she says into a tiny radio on her shoulder. "Jesse, please get him here." I said as we quickly head down the hallway.....

Noah's POV
My phone rang as I was dialing Jesse's number. "Jesse, where are you?" I asked pulling out of the parking lot.
"The emergency center, it's a mile away from you." He says as I quickly turn the truck around. "What happened? " I asked as sweat was pouring down my face. "We don't know, she's being rushed into surgery now and you have ten minutes to get here. Noah, please hurry, she wants to see you before she goes in."
"F*ck. I'm eight minutes away. Please tell her I'm on my way." I said quickly taking an exit on the GPS. "I will, see ya soon." We then hung up.

"Daddy? What's wrong " Sebastian asked from the back seat. "I don't f*cking know buddy." I said quickly as I drove around the vehicles ahead of us.

God I need to get there soon.

Eleanor's POV
"Eleanor we have to go now " the nurse said as I was now lying on the bed. "Ok" I whispered in sadness. My husband isn't even here, that was all I wanted. If something was to go wrong, that last thing I wanted to see was his beautiful face.

"Here we go hon" she whispered as the needle enters my skin. Right as she was about to push the fluids into my flesh, I heard his call. "ELEANOR!
BABY I'M HERE" I sit up straighter as the fluid enters my body. "NOAH!' I cried as he barged through the heavy doors and runs to me. "I'm here, it's Okay baby girl " he whispered into my ear as we hugged like it was our last. "Sir, you can't be here." The nurse say trying to pull him off. "She's my wife, please." He says as I buried my face into his neck. "Noah" I cried into his shirt as he gently rubbed my back. "You're gonna be Okay honey, I promise." I nodded as I started to feel really tired. "Baby, I'm gonna pass out." I whispered as he slowly helps me lie down. "It's ok, it's alright. I'm gonna be right here when you wake up okay? " I smiled as he held my hand tightly. I stared at his goat tattoo as he kisses my parted lips. "I love you" I whispered as he smiles down at me, hair slightly falling over his forehead. "I love too. Let me see that smile one more time." He whispered as I slowly meet his eyes and smile.
"There it is... I'll see you in a bit angel" he smirked as my eyes closed......

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